®O',0Kj frqQ' bi'pe^fi;: from thc;s|^. E. qu^rkqr. 3$; was. Angular:
>— we h,a4 not djfcoyered this harboqvi of ipjair. Havsn,,
Febnwry.. wh©fl‘.we'aechpyedih§re;iuilli?!9iKjirtthe>C|iath'aW:’vvith
the-, Pif<^fer^vfiaj[ttaiQ Yaifecq»'e®ltidid n ot .Oto -
deed.fear!?h ft® ojif^ though I t>re^pmh®f!,.as break wrafe
natioedrbta thfeumftufcj'weu fkdfdvttejtgh.^5Hh}|tett^3
bay, Att 6 -JEkAL. the; eoftc points of Wohaibooufoore:
N< 9fr iK., three^off-four-mites, aindlw© ftbsreddl&W.:byj
W> i-Yyt for, AtooL -After^ running R^lmiles; in that’
Cftutfes.we this fhe-ifland bearing N. W. by iW. ;to? .Wt
th?o£_ ox • fpur • leagues diftapce. i We,hauled oure wind;
tft tbp. North till j7t A* M., when the {extremes v af land!
herefrom N: 27° W. toS.50? W. off fhoi^tbroe mites.'
After paffing fome high rocky land, we fleered more
to theweftwarh Juft to,tbi©;Nvi TL.of i thasdand there
was a fmalkopenmg, feemingly favourable for anchorage,
but the entrance was expofed to the trade-wind.
We had i3 fathoms* after-rounding-the eaftern point,,
whieh fhoals gradually to within f of a mile of the
fhore.- Soon after *neon. we came ;to an ’ anchor*; im.»29E
fathomsj fapdy, and! nwddyv bottom- Unfortunately,
for. us ithe, iftand; was in-a .ftate.* 'of war;; A‘< chief'from
Wohahoo, named Taaxa^. had [taken up .arms-agaisfl#!
Tainoerrie, the fon of Tayo, and at prefect poffeffed
the, diftrift, about, Wymoa.. The Untopeanft vOf his
pprty; came to ug; and, i by their, affiftance in employ-*
2.. ing
ipg dfe^natwieSi. we; completed, our watering; which C a p.
we could nat^ffeep at WohahtooK iTnavm.fehb us a'
great abundance of vegetables, and forty hogh of February!
varie.us fizes. He himfelf paid us a vifit, and I. made
him a; fqitableJ retUrngfbr- his attentions'. We per-
. cmotfct under fail*. coming round the
eait; point o f. the.' Bay; .ThefeJ we undbrftood, coto
turned? they opp;#ttrpan$;,j£ intending. .to pay us a^vifit
a fc ij Taava? inftantlydeft u% withr his-attendants,-, On
perceiving, them.. I< ffent. the .firfti.Xiietitenant to-' mfeet
Ta*aoerae,; who:- came. onboard;! in.tfae pinnace,. followed
byf his fqmdron.: in .on© of its-veffels a fwivel
was mounted. This-young .chief prefen ted'me with'-a
finall > feathered# oloak*, and remained! on hoard all
night.:. in .eonfequence,'. wet hachnOt % any more * vifitork
from Wymoa/. 5
We gpttunder; wayr with aJmodcratedaaad wind, fuc-’ 18th.
aeeded : .by a f, lighttfea air, on which wA plied to
windward. -. Asbthe wind.Aj Mi canve-frOm thfe North,,
wefteered .tothe* ifland-ofO®ehoW. The:yoa*ngi chief
T^nperrie .anidhisparty-no«^ left us?; fteniingly
fiedrwith,?their rprefemt s: and,reception- He- was^very,'
anxiousrJ to haato/fonaev jfcrvfgesr» t bul>I • r^ftedr every
application, for • that.*» article diuring nry, ftagr/ amOngi,
thefe-iflandstf I endeavoured^butdn vain,;to reconcile