Pajfage toMarlkan, oneoftheKurUe ijlanas—through the Straits
of De Vries'.—Company*s Land.—Staten Wand.—Unfavourable
Weather prevented our going Wro&gWWeW-aits
• Range the Ma/lem^W^ -of J a p a n ^W a fv f fe d d o ^ fq fd n e fe
BOOK A t § paft 4h. a frefti wind fprunghp from th,e S. E.
^*1796^' we >1Pa^e 4*$ fc fle a ftem fim ft;;J ta d ,;
Oftober yrbich ut 5 b«. bore - N r founded frequently with-
14 out 'reaching the bottom. At § paft 9-l&^beingyipll up
as we imagined with the land, we tacked,.and continued
plying updo? eafy fails, At midnight we had heavy
kjualis pf wipA^ and a tl4 h .w e fteed to thse eaft^ard
under cloie-veefedtopfails. At day«rbght p ^ f^y ad
plainly the outer land to be an ifland bighan^rpuod
and very finall; it boreEaft from us. . The: feme
weather ftill continued,, and it was, fb vejy ba^y yrp
epjfld npt dileern any other land. Ip
had nearly loft light of the round ifland, bearing if
W. four or five leagues.
I The fame unfavourable weather, with'a cold damn CHAP,
air. At ftborf'-we liad>noland in> light, and we tacked 1— i—
to the S..W. hazy- 'atmofphere' prevented any oaobtr.
-nbfewfltioh.;. .
iPrefli breekes'hhd^Yqually w e a th h rj^ th a dark and ,5th.
hahy. atnaofplierer| A-t>«S”b.f !wh fetched- -well'‘up with
Round.'Ifland,- and again ftood. teethe;;eaftward, under
eafy.'fail, expetdingtheweatfaer to.blear up, to admit
pur tanking fom^ remarks, upon the iflands we had
hitherto..impsrfe&ly deem In the evening the wind
moderated, and w£ had heaty lhpwers of rain.
; At fumife Round' Ifland bore S. by W. four or five
leagues; and we ’difcovered hew land fa the eaftward.
We kept upon a wind to the S. E . ; and .at noon the
Round ifle borO^S. 6‘0° W. five’ or fix leagues ; another
ifland •& 24° W. ; and the land discovered in the morning*
bore from S. 84° E. to M. 56° E - and we had mo
foundings, r
VlThe wind not permitting pur palling South of the l6B. the «NV E. o f us, at 3 h; we made fail in the
d ireitk o ofidt* TheJfouthern part of it-: was*lv$fl# gj
bijfbjs Hoping gradually ;frora>; its elevation, and ter- .
minating iri broken ridges rat the’ bale. A neck oflotv:
a land