b o o k The .above account will fhew what the different
*—i—1 watches made the' longitude of the Bay, by the rate
January, that was given at Port Jackfon. Arnold’s box timepiece
keeps fo uncertain a rate as to render -it ufelefs: :
Long, of Bay ?og° 5.7' 45" E. by King: and Bayley.
Lat. of Earakakooa Bay, mean of 6 marid. .aferiof fun,. icj°,28' 9". 5 KT. ; «
Mean of 13 diftances of Aldebaran wdft oirnoon, 204° 2^30" E.
February With a light wind from the lafid wdWun out’o fth e
Bay, leaving the. American fh ip a ’t anchor!’ ' By 8
.A. M. it waS calm, and we'experienced a curcem’Yefr
'v ting us to the N. W. At'noonjve made 'the la titu ^
19° 3-l, ; N .; when the lidrth point of Karakakooa
Bay bore S. 7^o E. nve or fix miles.
p t Variable winds prevented" our reaching me' S. W.
part of'Mo wee before funfet, whence CafiSeio anchor
off. the village of Rahina, in 20 fathoms fandy bottojp,
diftant from the Ihore about a mile: ^
As this place feemed a favourable one for procuring
fruits and vegetables, we remained here till the
6th, having moderate and light winds, with a ftrong
current, fetting to the.N. W. The village extends two
miles along the fhore. Off the weftern point is a fmall
reef in the direction of the village, •’which affords a
... landing
landing for boats* or <cano©st*within it: At each en<§ CH A p.
is an ‘excellent? bream „<§>£ ’ Water.f but that to the weft iM—f
is", thfe moft convenient fog fhips, - a» they can anchor- Eeteuary.
td^ the Weftoffr'tjnra fine bay; with 'clear ground, at
5- fathoms cllffenin. Our exCuipions; on fliore' were
frequent/ P p l the natives civil'. ;;The cultivation was
excellent; arid thefoxtenllfcf'ground-made'ufemf for
thafr’purpofe1 reminded uslof thefcdneixp ofrAur native'1'
c o u n t r y * -4,'ThereWere the various productions'of Tatra,
fWd’eipotatoes^rh.elons, fugar-eanes,|gonrds|and pumpkins,
aihidft g ro v ^ o f the brdad'-fruif trees1 and^ocoa-J *
nutsf which univerfally afforded us fhadyo walking.
As /this village was* the- TtefidenKe’ of a Ohief,n finch
dead, it had bpen? entirely-'deftreyed. on the ’arnival
of Tamaahmaah, andM prefented a -ipedacle of
wigtdieS. £b@3.te£ed: the*inhabitants, whp
occaftonally-lived there, till the conqueror had made
a diftribution of the ifland among bis followers. No
hogs were to be feetis; and our- fupplies were ri-n all
refpedts inferior to our expectations. The anchorage
in the bay, abreaft of the river, is from. 10 to 7 fathoms,
in a eleaxfandy bottom /raudcfhipS may water
here with great convenience. - The'ground is fo clear;
that'-it may g be ieen in -20 fathoms ; and there, arc
feveitd fpots within the reefs welt adapted foi hauling
the femc^pj fliotild, from- its local advantages-/, prefer