we flood to.' .the wqftward. E a t .^ f p tN , , and long.
1S5%15^E. at the time.
; :■ Frefh breezes and cloudy-weather.
6 Shortened fail. ?
12 h. .Tried for foundings in the-nighb-
18 h. Dark -cloudy weather,' wittffhoirai of rain.
We fleered to the wtgfarar-fkrto -fifik in, ■
of Great Eihuchieuxh
hM h- AifmsiiJ-imd bird? and a
hawk feed. -
r Tsefh_ breezes and cloudy f a th e r . 9
6h. ^prtened .fail,;vand ;founded hourly during
the night. . J^o: bottom. |
rn 12 b. Very cloudy weafheff: at.,daylight wemade
fail; and at.22hu3Gih.
At noon we had %mlly and rainy weather,. • and
we hauled up to the S. W. being fiyq. op ;fis- leagues
off. From the unfavourable weather, we. could difcem
very little. The fhore appeared low and eye^fthe
weftem point faffing abruptly to the fea.; j Iff extended
from S. 76° W. to Weft; and we had no foundings with
105 fathoms.
24 h. Frefh breezes, with cloudy- and fqilally
* 'Frefh breezes and cloddy4 weather, with;freqbent c h a p .
fqualls5atlendfed frith .raih^ wMehi att tiroes bhfemred — >
th e ’ land. disappeared* broken, ^the’*' higher /parts ;f)ec«nbef
connected by low la n d ; ariilHo the-South iffyas1 yell
cultivated ,and t-diyqrfified|bywoqd^:|tow|y>ds,thofea it -
.rofq ,-in qlayoyj^ghffSj, pd£ ja ibrigh4< •4vdh fepdy
breaches. . .We'Jxept upon a ^ iq d r tofathp; yS.r WfKvand.
at 5 hv 15m.pthe.^xtj-erops.^ic'toded frqm "S.^
^ f.^dW ^ fo iU ’ or fi\;e ;leagf|q^ c^iftapt. T h a /p a ft ftill
prefenfed; tip fa ro p d ^ ref e !?fffl®fl^ P <lC' h1 general,
yerydow. At 1 2 lu,.we, .gere in ,,the lat,r ofe2^%^^
and as I fuppofed neardhe|fduthem part ofethe ifland.
VKe plied n r^ d ^ ^& fail,till daylight.T.jThe-night^yas
moderate, |g|£j& 'fo|ue,rpin _;t,,qBcb .fft ^p h. the, wind
fuddenty, g ifte d fo the W ' qmpjter,, w^|h fquajly,
unfinttled.^e^thgr. At 19 h. th^ne^eftflapdi horq-.^
30? W. three feag«es, and^the< extremes fmm 10’
E. to .N -^ 7 0 W.- We few po qthervdgqd\hn any dirediion
r, although the 5-charts lay dowiqfqrne iflands .yi
tMsif'toatio'n.'' ;■,&£■ 20jjyr we fay fpyefaf druids.; to. the
W, N fW .: thjf^outeq oney forming likej.aj grouser’s
quoin W. by N. at 21 hours.,
At noon the fouth part o f tlie ifland Eieuclpeux Ep.
46° E. \fco N. {-68°4 %* fix or Xpven leagues.' A low
ifland, North eight leagues; from whence they, ex-
x .2 tended