country • particularly.Emglifh b road-cloth i which tlièy
teemed to valjib.*. ï
•Their-junks arè the faaub with toe^hinêlè.i or at
Aeimccmife^ioA is hardly vpbr-
; eeptible.
* Le Pere Gaubil, a miffionary of the Jefuits at Pekin, wrqta a memoir
on thefe illands, called by the Chmefe 'Lieoü-kiebu. ~$ee Lettres
Taifi2mes,’ föh. x x ln .p.'"r8!r. pVifè'W TOe**thémfcSr‘ate^here
•tranmtbtf. »•
■£jj Ctuliled ‘bdtwböi’^ o i^ i 4he
are thirty-fix. in -nunïöery |Ih ^ clfifef ife
'.raft have particular names* The erealj ifiandiis .in extent from South
*9 North more than 440 .Chjnefe-fuTlong&"3 ï d ï |S ;pr. |l|ffi fijcmi Weft |&
Eaft. :0h the jnttth fide this aiftance HSjtB weft to -n6t more
'than hÜó. 'Thé wtfloB^^ÖlödfiEd ifere^i thfei meaftttó o£^ads^tm«P^y
‘the Chinefe : ‘tvfó lidndfedflop them, intake twenty»;laa|fiepi -aft ife3,;‘oc h
degree t>fk great oii;ele;' ;The kiijg-keepjspiis OI^ W j^yefeMlf^patt^lf
.th^iflaod^ t^e J^wnm n^ped.Kingrjffiingf , Tme^I^pefisfituated.near:
it, \vith fpur45reat ga4m fronting the cardinal nointst At ten furlongs
from the weftem is the harbour caUed Napakiang, or Napachah, asnSmed
farms v^ragfet xTBeTragïra3é of *tiak%rt.
3jgB 2'. 0 f *thê ^ Samls‘^iich-'S?!fe^ftlhjffe£l'fb‘8ife lttiH^ ohXiebWK)éöü,
Oi^ht 'Sfèffltuatéd <to !thè north-eaft óf. fit», /fike to th'e dórth-Weft of-die
art of . the,- iltónd, called ’Cheouli, fduyjtp alle -Eaft,,t^iree to the Weft,
ife^e to.^e.Seuih, «n4(nine t0idie fpw&-w;eft% 'nxemarnes ofjhg/even
&P8 tö. the. South are{ fTai-pi?K-chan (oflr whldi the Providence was
wrecked), Ykimd, Y-learigpa, ^KuBmaf^atïih^^ieft&ê^lÊ^dnui'Pkt-
*éüöhg-éhahjjkir asdtTS1 «died hi'-üfe ‘vofd^e Pa-chu-fun, ife b'rte offtKe ‘niiie
. illands
ceptibld; „They-makq minted fails,, .^ad work
them in the fame maaaerji^' ^dt^jfeoals . thsy. btoiglid
off* waterdia were large and »flatt-dooied apd they
made m’fty of jQ^talls and aara. . Their canoes' wgr.e ,yery
inferior, heirigf^fimpjtyd hdilowdx- af* pijSe*.Jr;egs;;
thby were chiefly1’ employed, jfifiling out at fe§a»'-;Th®if
fail« were matted, and Spy wfent Tqry fall through the
water.'; <
, ;At Liem^hjgu^Kllipy!;pi^py|a<^u^^tkgh\^w« gajn
mfptg ; ;iapd;; their linqn^ check’s: appeared., eaualto
apyjqhoufq., f 4fc£W^h?g; ,to w& Wf^hhPrr» they.lpere^ife
o £ i n ^ p m^ t i ; ami,, 1%$, ,thq
Japanefq, the appendages to .^ ifi-^ p fs in *
fah, pipel'aad %fca§c<^pxj}0
,$£gt being permitted to 1 ftjflf
giyej po aqequ^t qfJ|n^,py qf ^Iqp'jg^dq^iygm, beyp^d
illands to the fouth-weft.” For a further defcriptimifcdnfelt the whole of
Fere GauBns membtr.M
I In Lbfd ■ Macartney’s embafiy to China, ;ed3±edi.byr SicG- Staunton,
mBbtion is made of: h i s ^ i ; r e a l y g ^
whifh pr^yf^ted him. ,Th$r? %e .
Ljei^hjeijx Ilkntte, and thdf yiode of government’; the Englifti met,
with fom^ ambalfadors ’going to CMna^ to whom they are tributary jlaha
there are oblerwtiohs on the prb]inety offending an 'embany from this'
country to thofe illands.—See the Embafly to China, Vol. IL
i p M wheat,