in the notes to book’s Sd voyage, page 377« remarks, that
in, this part jQaptain ■Spaaberg-s difcoveries place' the
ifland of Matimai, Kunalhir, and Zellany; and that probably
the imiftake of De Vries in fuppofing it > pne land
was opfing sto the foggy weather. ; I am of a : different
opinion ; for we faw no ifland of any flze; till ;we came
to one- in 43° SO' Ma and; .14b° 5Q',<and which I
fuppofe ' to be the fame SpanbeEg watered at, and is
called, in Cook’s voyage Nadeegsda.
In Odtober the 12tft we . were, in the latitude of
46° b.N- and 148° 45' E., which is nearly ,the fituation.
of rtim ftraits of J)e Vrites; tead
northern land to be whatihe daHselhecEdtopany’s land*
and the fouthern land jStafen Ifland, but which is
named Nadeegsda in the above voyage' and chart.
Captain King fuppefes. theCompany b-Jand to.'he
Oorpop and Nadeegsda of the Ruffians.- As we failed
round this ifland, it is mofl likely dprfee Ootoop^ in is laid there is a good haifeoftrs;.- and; iStateh
Ifland I imagine to be iheN adeegsda of the fame nation.
Tiie violent gales we met with, aller^te^hgSMferukani
prevented our examination of the ©aft' ffddlc^rtltefe
iflands, and palling* as 1 intended, through the ftraits
which divide the land of Info from the coalt of Nipon
or Japan. Captain King alfo imagines Staten Ifland,
l 'feen
feeofi by theCaftribam, to, he: tbb Three^Sififers; i h m M f o t
which reafon, as-foe explains in the voyagfe}.* they; arts
fo' "placed in dhtetehart. Vide? Yol.111. p 391,. &e.
ef/Cooks 3d voyage.
The ifland of Marpchan W.;*1 at mrdgight.boreE*!^
N. Roupd Ifland,j Weft. | |
At 20. h, the. Round Ifland bore from S. W. to
W. IXu,mmock Ifland S~5°,E>
At noon Hummock Point S. 14» W .; Round Ifland
from .Weft .Jx> .N,^8||vW-; and the largp ifland to the
South frbpa 34§° W. to S. 41° Wl
Light winds and clear .weather, with the "appearance
of a llrong foutheily current. *
lAh. Paffed the Hummock Ifland, which we now
.plainly perc,eryea was tvro iflands ; bote S. 7t>6 W.
anclN. 85° W. five leagues.,
Centre of Marukau fouthern part N.-S80 E., and
Round Ifland N. 40° W.
, Sounded throughout the night without reaching
the bottote,;‘ffl