BOOK this morning brought an immenfe number of fifhing
'---v—> boats out of the harbour. They wore fmall, and
iNorembet. generally painted white, green, and red, with eyes to
them aih
At 22 h. 30 m. we loft fight of Chappel Ifiand bearing
N-. 33° E .; and at noon the high round hill, . on
the fouth fide of Amoy, bore N. 1301 E. > and; the
extreme to the South, S. 68° W. Some fmall iflands
were feattered along Uxore from N. 52° W. to fi80 W.,
two or three leagues from us. . Some high barren land
bore N .N . W.
24th. . Strong breezes and hazy weather.
At 2 h. we faw two rocks nearly in oua courfe, and
we fleered more Ibutherly to pals without them.
After running 13 miles we -pafted them a t two or
’ threemilesdiftance, and returned our former courfe.
At Gh. we faw the, Inmoch Iflands from the deefc
bearing S. 7G0 W. The rocks wer bad feen before
were now juft vifible, N. 28-°E; and the extremes of
the eoaft of China, from N. 5*E- to N. 8Sa W, fix or
feven leagues.
Our efteemed latitude, ht. 12 h. was 22° 51'' North ; e H A p.
and we hauled mpre-tejths .wpftward. The coaft pf v—&— ->
China, at day-light*- extended ,frothj.N» N, E»; to js
IPI N.W. three\ or four leagues ; . apd the fea .was
covered with fifhing boats to a great eiteiit
, iCun’ent pl’ ^2 Jxiiles ^9 the, |Yc,^^ e.^;|ipurs,.
Erelh breezes and very hazy weather.. At noon we
were within three miles of theeafiern point of. what
is named dteyorfori’s bay-; . and the water appearing;
difcoloured we had fleered td th& lbuthward before-
nppn. -4t poop, the bay extended from. N. 39° E. to.
N. 70® W., about two' or three leagues from fome
iflands fituated in the bay«.
Ere^'breezes and veiy hazy weather. . , 25th*
We faw the rocks, Pedro Blanco,; and at 4 h,; 3^m.
it bore S.W. from the deck. At 6 h. we were due
North from it four or five miles,
12 h. Brought to till day-light*,
j Id h. Bore up and made
18 h. . We few the Great Lema bearing Weftabout
four leagues, and we hauled up to the northward of
it. At 20 h. it bore South two or three miles; and at