At 5h. we f a ^ l a u d { H 8 * j $ g .at'Tji>.
it extended from N|. 14° W. to. JsL 15° E. fiye^or*fev.en
leagues* At-hqilf jmfl; 1 h. we b^pugjA to.till day*
light, when the land bpfeArom Nn34°-W. to N. 40° E.
two or three leagues : 90 fathoms, no bottom. As the
ftp rofe we observed. nguiy boats in .fhore under .fail,
alfo i fevcral j unks.
After palling what appeared like an illand,. but
prove A as far as, vre could judge, to; be. a peninfula,
the diftant land opened with it in Are Aire^io^ of
N. 34° E.
On the N. E. extreme of flip peninfula, which
prefents a level furface, are four remarkable trees, and
lbn?e; rocks detasehed ffora it to the eaftward.
the dire&ion ofN.30° W. from the point of tho trees,
was a fmall harbour, in- which ieveral junks*'Were
laying before a town. On the peninfula, and. in the
bays furrounding it, were feveral villages and'fcattered
houfes, with great cultivation about the qpu»%.
Many boats were Afhing, and an infinity of various*
fines were failing along the fhore to the Eatt and
The interior landjj $as- frather high and ' much’ C.H A P.
broken, forminghills with fharp fcbdtges running parallel 'A iw
with’each efthfer'-m aW. E. and S. ’W';. ^reStion-. * 'The-
feacoaA was a fandy- beach infefmixedwith rocks, and
clumps of woods appeared'in the, holloas of the riling
ground» above the fhore. 1
Several*' fifhing boats came off to^usnin->the cohrfe
of the day to fatisfy their-curiofityhf^They 'were »well
ftiaped, with proje£ti®g herns, and. finely^decorated
with painty the groutld-work being ' blaek . Each boat
had-13 men,-, .with five Ikulls. of a f ideapd they went
through the water, „with grekt ^velocity. They; were
39' feet long, i feet- wide. At noon, JightihreezeS *!
and fine weather.}'the north extrem.e>.bore ; ^ 29f E.,
.add the peninful&wforniiag the fouth extremes from
S. 70? W. to S. 8&° W. three or rfmat leagues | onr
diffcance from die fliorefouv or five miles : the harbour
bearing N. 82° W., and we had no foundings with 90
fathoms. \
It was^ nearly in this fituation we made the land
on the 17th. of Mpyember laft year, in a hard gale
of wind bom the S* W* quarter;; : It is the, fouth; poinl .
of JiS'pph, and is fituated* inotha latitude 33® ^ N.,