.80.0 E regret. t ;Tte fi)iE rooiidr'^wteiStephfiKstda • ©dtnpblh*!
v—^—- chiefly «of fand and sdecayhd dwgetablesf though fh fhfe
AugS- fwampsdit is rather-Mf a.better skiod^* but upoh the
■whole theaiaturetof the place i i ii^^rbaire4^!and^h&#t
for any rgteate degree: of oultwafciorfl Thetdea ’ prp*-
daces a goodt^alidty ^f^fifer Cafihas ipfflldtii^offd-fiffi,
a-kind offc®pcdp9jdQiiaddrf^'&(fe 5b the-woods,
feveral fpecies of b e a u t i fh l paroquets;-andlatfeafall 'flint!
of. :a .brofifB: pi umage, foifte\vhab refctohdiiig: the .'-java
fp a r r o w . gThe q u a d r u p e d s that me flaw-were i the1 kangaroo,
dogs,) &fe. ■: On .the beach ^ e <»bfei^d ai ^dript^'
of C u r io «fly:5 marked fhells ;:*fubh ais the buccinum or
whdlkj hnapetsj mufeles, ojdfaersj and. beautifoi
jnens of the Venus fhelk ThenatLves live chiefly upon
jBlh, fern roots, .dog’s fiefti; and Ihould a dead whale
happen to drift upon the, Ihorc, it forms a moftldeli-
cious. repaft for them. .The-uftronbiher made S the
following obfervations. on ftidre at the watering' place
abreaft of the Ihip :
Lat, by m e^ ç£ 4 merâi. alt, of A e
Long, by mean 4 time-keepers - , -
Long, by nléân t ï fëts of lunar diftances ' . ~ -
Long, by mean difE of long, between this place'
and Fort Jackfon, taking Ae longitude of Port ; > j
Jackfon at i j i ° ,10^ 3" E. Aat being the mean .
between Sign. Mallefpina and Mr. Crofley, and
the difF, by the 4 watches in long, at 33° 46'W..
3a0 33" A
f5^ ’' 4' 47" ,
151° 43' 49"
Ainoonqvc hoiftedAn thc.-boais; and made hail to CifAF.
the. foutlw aid-with ,the wind ,eaftedy</ ^diCjStephcns
. ■■ ■ ' 1.795.
bnMfcNT g fiW , and thejie\h»emes>of land^ N . 1 4 ° E . to •: Auguft
S: 7$° W . : 1 ahjS3i?AJL'S. ƒ At midh'ght we tacked to 2 *'
the northward till daylight, wheAwe again fleered to
the'iSouth and 3. iSï W. as die wind permitted. We
had 70 fathoms4iWiatoiv. the forentobh was hazy'- the
weather rainy, ahd: wéndfificreafing, withievery prafpeéi
of a gale from die S. E. which- blewdi reedy upon- the
land. - We carriediJai^ffldl 'to fecure our port before
dörky At noon the flgnabhoufc oh the South l#adu§f
Port Jap:kfoïi.harbo:urboreS'.!3f ° W.,and w®'Weathered
the-Nprtlc head hajf-.iai:r|»tte;hr-''l^ t^®g" a prefefiof
fail; 1 paft noon we werd j in the eatóinoe of 4hé "***•.
harbour, and at 1 P. M. in running up, a pilot came ,
oh: kdard. In the «afternoon we moored with-bur
bower cables in Sydney Core, and ftrnck yards and.
topmafts. d in ‘"the night,the galenas predicated)'in-
oeafed:itO h perfeét hu^i(SMhV ahd^ófttiiiued m# next
day with extreme fi^èÖoe ; hor chvijdt*#è féttd a boat
on fliore;> We eoüld' not be tdo than'kfal flflbnr
fafety: for. had we reróainèdat fea, mofifprobably the
fhip never would hav% cleared ^hedandf as:at hd -trme
froth our rnn here, wefe We more than ^wödéagues
frorrr the coaft. We found 'Major' Paterfon, com^
manding the New South Wales corps,- axftingas govet-
D 2 nor;