land cameéted’ this, ifthmus with tb»dlherr.pöfft o f t f e
illand. At funfet it bore from S.'36°- E . %o2Sft A0Ö' E -;
and Bound ■ Mand. & -63°: W. The lig h t .'was a fiite
moon-light night, and wé run along Ihore till. 10 h., wdÖS
we plied as * ufual, having-, no. foundings with 1ÖO
fathoms. At day-light the Hand bore from S. QAE.
to;N. 75° :E., fduc of jfive., leagues/; a .hill iqf a'eirculao-
form, nearly inBjfêléeMre oithéTfland,! Sl-ff^Efc-Thé
morning was ftjaalljv with varidbletweather j atid a l
noon we -had paffed the^ north extrendÉyiof thé illand,,
and hauled u p few a paffbgè. that dMdted, it; Ifeoffianother
illand : f unfortunately w e 'B a d ’ ho-4ofelef?atiotfi
A fmall opening bore S. 48° E. three miles'; the'illand
(fuppofed Maruehaii) from S. 2ö°l '\¥:- to' St-Hè» E . ;
the northern illand JNr 47- E. to rE. three scar
four leagues.
At I h. 30r the entrance of a fmall opeaingibore
S. S. W. two milesy and we had 55 fathoms. As I
eonjeétured this to be the harbour Which is mo tio n ed
by Captain Cook to be fituated on the N. El.-fide of
the illand of Marachan, and where; the Buffians lire
faid to have a fettlement, in, 47 h° N.-’lat., we thole f&>
and lent a boat on fttore. A t funfet $ the entrance
bore S. 5° W. three miles ; and we opened the S. W.
point of Maruchan on with the N. W. point, marking
8 them
them in one bèaring;OSH fB/E.Vand S. 40° W. The 'ch a p .
3^1. W. point fell abruptly to the fea, with fomè rocks 1—wW
fcatterdd off it; and the Is. E. point borë S. 30° E. four o&obêr.
or five milesvn The other iilland bore from S. 36° E. to
S. ,, E. three or four .léagiies. The eaftern point‘
runs Hut into lést land, thé Wefterfe point' faimed
la, high rugged bluff head. 1 ^The'ipaffageHetween tbefe
illands is perfectly elear to iall appearance,, but the
ableneêéof thfe boat prevented < our proving it« '. At
7 h. 'SO' wu> had tho pleafure to 'fèe her returning, and
•Wéképt our wind to the The night Was calm ;
ahd iitt the morning Wehad-the wind at-SsSj-E'.-, with
thicfel hazy,Threatening weather, which induced me to
ftand to the S. W. At 21' h. 30' Marukan foiith pomfe
bpfé'SVSb" E.
1 Strong breezes, with foggy"and thrèatenmg wêathêf, i8th.
made us-expert another gal^, in whiph we werp not
‘-èepêivécb AtMuSO', wejaw,Bound Illand, fa rin g
S. W.; and the|gale incfeafing, y e paffed it at
5,h. 30’.,to the,eaftward, leaving another fmall' illanfl
to the Eaft, bearing from-Bound Illand S, 45° E,,
which makes in two, 'hummock's.1
At 7 h#3&:tóngtcléaap oiffeIffahds, wé.&rled 'the
forefailf and Brought to under ftë feorin iftdy-fails, Jai
'&% , a yéry