® K I think it unneceffery to expatiate any more on the
*& & & derail of oar veyagei.aslit w.as continued to Madras
NaYcmher. through ;the Straits of Malacca,! and J^nn Madras to
Trincomalay; a track of fea well known to the navigator
: thenqe I took the aecuftomed paflage to
England, where I arrived in February, 1799, after an
abfenee o f four years; apd fhall' confider my exertions
as amply rewarded, if this journal in the opinion of the
fcientific^ind geographical part of the world (however
it mayYurnifh little amufement to the general reader^
is confidered as adding to the ftock of nautical inform-
ation, and communicating a mope 'extensive knowledge
of the globe,.