BOOK five to fifteen fathoms its-the ttaf board cbaius, and
only2£ fathoms at times both adaead and, uAterav
1M h Havinguchpked the rudder,, the topmafts were ttruck ;
and We began, feoifting the boats out, the lower yards
having bebn kept up for that purpofe- At this time
the fhip did hot fkike-viokntlyy and; had ppl^made
19r inches water. g #nfqrtunately. ;the wind frefhened
from: the NAN?. W., arid the fea began break ^vith
great forces which foon knocked the rudder- off: we
fecUred it with hawfers. It was now 9 o'clock,, and we
only waited the fchooners anchoring, to d$ttem|>t
heaving off ; and iri the mean time began hoifting
out the lringdioat;: during which period The Slip
madte writfer very ;faft; add The !vio|ddt, vfhofcks; die
received, rendered it doubtful whether, the mails
would Hand. The-water increafed fo muck upon the
pumps, that before the long-boat was out ,we had
fcyen feet water in the hold. At this- time -the
felioonor had anchored near us i® SAfatboms, and the
matter returned on board, when -the fhip fiaddenly
changed her pofitiba, Twinging round from South
to North by the Eaft* and ftriking mote violently than
ever. Before we could carry eUr iiawfeis to The
fchooner, the carpenter reported the water up to the
orlop-deck, and the fhip having bilged forward;
we therefore gave up the idea of attempting to heave
7 "* off,
6ffi tó#eéd«d,ith© M É muttikievkaMy
havALf<^dbrèd.' Theiifpqre- puhrps/wdrevdawn the
fore hatchway, but .the wpdf frill iqcreafing njionihe
gun-dqck^rendered all on^ ^ ertions pfelpfe. The
offices rim ^ o pinio^ fhat
h^3i>'te',db®e-töffavèidliqi.fliip; and : io;ieut
a#ay-1&fe «&Ê& vmifrdohad« *a* dfife^.’trpaln b% sa i fke
&ft, föfward-rlft^mbhérjtoeing./bilgfed,.a£
Wlöhigihed, h U |M i l i a a - b o a r d T i t fromfrfröme
Mgwyi pieferfe" thpf%eople>: and the
bö^éft^èy'hi^èrgd-1 ready ' 0 *%cep.ti<m4 .»white
i^ i^ é d # y ^ ^ o ^ lte éÉ ia rm S '8 ö d ammunition,
Bat ***
fieairiyj oni hér dteam eiakj hod the-gmnf
deck being’-full of .‘water with
bulk-heads to andijfro^fhefts,: Ac, prevented their
faving many. .On one fide of the fhip we had only
6 'tfeefe; water, and - on the other 3é fafhoipas. vTke
fore part of her was immerfed in the ,fea,*and the; furf
breaking over the Tipper, deck, j ,AS nothing fn^e could
be procured for the prefen% the ihip s;cre.w were fent
into the boats,- which was happily- effected without
any accident,; and Toon after .11 o'clock they reached
the fchdonerdn fafety, and-with the lofs, both officers
and men, *o£cevery thing-belonging ;to thenK,,pThe
pinnace returned for myfelf and the remaining officer^»,