3 0 O K We kept our wind to the .weltward, 4h?if we might
—1 fnake fure of the north part-ef* Japan. ?
S. q0^9a0b*e r' .
jii*, Paffed feveral trees doating on the water, and Iper-
• 6th. maceti whales of a large fize.
We kept our wind ,to the weftward, injiopea öfice-»
ing the land, fhould the haze Jravèpt eajèd-a w a y T h e
fudden fall of the barometer ^foretold.* a chaise' of
weather. At A1 the breeze incjeafed*. and we' stopk an
three reefs in the topfails, getting the top-gallabjMards
down. At 6 the wind veered to South, with a lntuk
gale, when we ’clofe-reefed the topfailsj-.aridJhauled' up
the mainfail to föund. 1Before we.could try fpr found-,
ings,7-i^T prefail and fore-top mafl 4|ayfail wér^TpftÊJi
and the fqualls increasfing in v io l e n c e , f u l l e d 'th e
mainfail, during which time the fore-topfail blew fiurly
away from the roping.-’" The maiit-topfeif ffmEéehthq
fame Tate, by a fudden fhifting ,of the wind fr©tq fk tt>
ISf. W. This was, our fecond -bellfail,. .andr pnly bqüt
the day before. The (hip’s careen was- fo great,, jand
the wind blew fotremendoufly, thakwe were afraid
o f doling onr mails ; and having. no fail to jfet,r .*we
were left entirely to the mercy of the weather, .in the
hollow of the fèa.’ "The waves went over- us with fuch
force, that we could not Hand their violence :-luckily
6 we
we experienced a® other mislortunedhan thehotal lofs - c h a p .
of our fails,, which in our fituation was much ,;Jtq: be -
regretted. In no inftance haired i . expierienced fo un- September.,
common a gate, for. the hour .it lafted, though unattended
with lightning, thunder, or rain- A t 8 P. M.
It gradually abated to afffieafly breeze, from the N. W,
quarter, and the .night was fine: . At day-light we
deferied the land .of Japan,j bearing from W.b.y N to
S. W I feven or eight leagues diftant; and' at noon we
obfefved in. . y . with the following bearing?;
Extremes', from N, 69° W. to ;t<. 4.6° W .; an. inlet with _
an ifla-nd in its eh trance, fuppo'fed to :.;bfe||^ambn':,
S. 52° W., off fliore- ffwWTpr fix leagues. Our fituatiori: .
will be yn. the long, lof Captain -King’s (
chart of this- coaft, which is .nearly the - mean of the
watches. -Our diftaheefifeom the land prevented any
further remarks ; but we perceived by the. Obfervation,
and the alteration of Our fituation, th a t a current fet
us ftrongly to-the Sbuth.
tVh employed ourfehms '-in fitting up the rigging, stk.
and repairing our. other dcfehts ^Gcafioried by the. late
hurricane. Thl ext-fiOmes at 6h. hore frOm-N W.
pRH 40° W., # m ‘er fix 'leagues off fherO..' We lffe-
.quMtip tried-for foundings with 120 fathoms >of fine,,^
during tile night, without ever reaching the bottom: s