A a oie jfa Theyi Jhad. the good fortune foon, after difembarking
'—-•—’ |p ;find ^ p a thw a y ; wirichf foon ' led them to afmall
ÏÆaÿi pillage* conMin^eof about $0^honfes.‘î On entering
pftg;5pf -thfe-y founds an:e3deilÿ:man^:.who"treated
Jjiçmi.with greatapiwlity, and,.,offered refrefomentsi
whiqh^h^paçtopk» of. ..The red ofi£;tlpc..inhaJbitatits
~ fjjjarply jdefertpdoitheir .houfes* b rit. pbfeiwihg; jtbd
peacçabk j^ehaviour ,of the bia-ftfe- (Mr, Gjbapmteb
on re-embarking they joined their party at'the.^pateris
fide, Mqepting' the women who-Were feen at; fqme dif-
tance in, ten ; country^,-?;
.iA’hpfe, people :Were diifetent lin fojnft-,refpe^Tiri their
appparamoe bp|th to the^C^im# and JapaiyDfe. - Their
hair,,was rpMed- pp ,i,e tjrifiefeyrar
f e f t e n ^ w ^ twpjmpted pinaj and. they, tyej® dtefîhd
in loofé linen gowns and trowfers.^They falat^aL-ttie
jPPpPg »their ^hands' an,4 liffing^thè^pt®
>a flow ■foahper,;q^^.J^0p fe
999. $9r3h pf aTquareforrn, ,kand tb^teedirf^eting in: a
point, and thatched; with.. corirfh reeds.: theAinfide'
of them were, neat and .clean, arid coveted with 1 matfo
9P9“3 fhiph; theyjQept. /-Theinari# ofdhelifl^idiihe^
caïïed Patchufan, and the large one to fehe'wjeâiï)f}it
Rocho-o-ko-ko. Their produce was the fame, s both
ifiands abounding by their defcription in rice, millety
dwebt »potatoes arid tarro. iThey have alfo black cattle
arid horfes, peaches>and 1 ifries; and .from' appearances
fibr; ghnailpmen: were led to1 judge, they poflfefied iriany
jpther articled, which -their;i flnort Ray prevented-1their
'akertafeirig. Wi
«hiTheyfappeared haririlefs arid inbffehflv© v
ndr did they, fbedr any arms fear weap%ni .Of
■ ».Right» airs and • favourable weatheiv A tS h . the nSth.
beat returned, and ■ wes ftridd' to -the north-weftward
With 4’ frethdbreezri# Afrf fos-tbe» ejdremeslbf Patchu- .
farii‘bdre-teom Eaft,to fh B09T . and Roebd-rirko-ko .
& I0° ^ W*m#
i | 12 h. : .Moderate wenttab;’* wore drip. -
)\-f b. At daylight1 thm north extreme of -Batchufan
boroi:S- rifiaiEt, and a t noon !it 143 W. fix
leagues.;> iThb Beaked Hill S. and:we faw
no other land., The carpenters employed hoppirig
therfifobt oudhe Joremaa, and the foam©» WQpldteg
the ;maft; .which enabled ria to^arrythe fbrefiiii rdefod,
aud foDeitopfaiJ dofe reefed*
fo&Mdfc Mafo:wi& the intention of; examining *
the north'1 fide of the ifiands we had prided to the ^
c c