B--Hbio/ k $K 24 hi Fair’ weather but very hahy; 1g ■
$ jft. /
4 Frefh breezes and; the fame hazy .weather.^
' Ah. :/A sT’Wb defepened-our w&fep'the fea; in fohfe
degree loft its whitifli appearance, and became1more
12 h. Light airs, a i d ‘ihofp clear-round the horizon
Ib hi Tackedi/ftiips tftl- dayfight, whenfiwe -aghifi
ftood to the weftward.
I1 24hi • FreJhbreekea andoetear weaittibtv/f
. M- Light breezes and clear •Whaler-.
12 h. Calpi and- fair weather.
^tpPlh In the; morniog^We- examined bur jwoViftbns,
and found, excepting fait meat, we had not enough to
laft the month of any* other I^eciek“ hot^ l|nrif^- iven
at'lialf allowance.
24 h. Light'^aWnbod,- with fak'-weather/ :
3 A As we Were'by oWr'dbngitudcf' deaf the cokft^of
China, and the wind remaining fteady fromthetkW.
quarter, I thought it heft -td hee^» 'bur ‘wfhd’Hn fbr the
land, founding conftantly every hoftk We’^raduajly
deoreafed'our water kahd a t:midhffgM, havihg flibaled
td^hl* fathoihSffhard ‘ft8i’dy- bottom,Hve dkckbd'aiid
ftood off till the WVifc^
withftan cling
dfeftihri cha r ..
had come fin,b we h^d’defs water foi?Hw©i of 'three — /■—f
Wcuraeiifc fettihg us; UoSSLt.
&;iithi0r^0Tth!rf;4TO'B ;«$yi4ifWshw&.
tacted ianjdimayjgtfail, inifoKtbe laud, having. a ftrohg
W^e:#ud'3^e®y ihazfy . wea/fchery; with' am)«fu#di fea^
fepwinglgl hgj^ted;»fe^im;iftr©ng^tididr :©t ©Ufl?e$t.1 illi©
wafer wte K & y dirfy'y6llia^]to.;b®lBurj land veif^llfiekv5
which made i m&cbncludenive^-rt'ere off HheKjNianking
In the morning, we faw Tqveral jnnks at anchor and
«nder fail ft and' at. £2 h. ;MAi. I wd7 ,lait the; Mick
Upon a nearer approafch. it .proved to be a ^dgd of
roebs, bearing Weftfjand. w ehad only. m $ fathoms
'WQ&8& iuAt ^3ih;fi)S@«ni.s wq ta^ od .itid lil^ jtM nilfd y r
fnlhocns»; Fheh/tfe ledgei bore S. ffl;.W.;fonr- ok; fob
wilefeannd the tidtefet ;U^ ton thefMbrthk amongth§
jnnks at.anehdr c We Law low land-to; the: STorth and
Weft of the rocks ; and at hOon the led|£ehwas juft '
vifible from the deck, fix or feven miles, bearing
- • / -. • ' "*> •<•/';' ' ■• :-. ‘ ;"-4: • • ■ ' y |h.' j?8?dP' .:<b /Very f thick. hazy vveather, gajj r
iThis eftimatkm will maketthenrbcka ip; * th e latitude
of:31°46'31"N. and 122° 4W E .
W w At