BOOK the fort on our failing, though it Was evident that they
w e x p e c t e d the compliment, from the preparations they
made there. Excepting this fort, which te Very incomplete^
there being onjy eleven guns mounted en
barbet ?twelve-.pounders, I few no difference in the
place fince I was here i n 1793./ '.They complained
much of: the drynefe of the feafonv wh.ieh was very
evident from the arid ftate of theeojiptry. The water;
■we procured was obliged to be rolled down near half
a mile, which gave us much trouble'. We. bought
dome buAxels of Indian com: they had no flour ; and,
exciufivc of their cattle and flxeep, the Other articles
we puiehafed were very expenfive : vegetables alone,
during our flay* eoft 40, dollars. The weather was.
Continually foggy h the wind, wefterly,, hut generally
fell during the night.
Although in the midft of fummer the air was generally
co©b and flries pleafant both morning and jdvfe®-?;
ihg, the fun feldom appeared to enliven theifeenes-
of beauty which the furrounding, country prefepbld*
I received one prefent of a bullock with vegetables*
. from the Fathers at the miffion of St. Carmelo; but.
the rigid conduct of the Governor prevented them,
from fending any more. They were the, fame hofpi-
table priefts whom I met with, in 1792. Several,
.Sipecies of fruit, fuch. as peaches, he&hrines, plums, CHAJ>.
apples* and gmpes,' abound here. The country is 1—•—’
pleafingly, divert! fied ; though * except, in the vallios Jms--
where the gardens are cultivated* the foil is rather dry
and Tandy. The inhabitants arc flout and well made*
-fhapid in look, and of a dark colour like-thole of New
Holland. They, areseixcellent markfmen with the bow
„and arrow;; and their b&feetr-work thews, no jj fenall
fliare of ingenuity. The watches flxewed the longitude
of Monterey, as follows : ,
v « » . LTsitvevlpng. E. hy Capt. Vajjcoijvfir.
- 24 8',^4-23 8° %' J.
1 , flow, for mean time at Mpn-tefey* June 17 th-
atpoon, lf)0,^T'Ji3".78, and- gaining from 6-ye;days «ratg
6;.|88 ,pcr day op mean timp,, NJ°fg4§,. flpWjfp^ n^gn
time ,at Motdefey, June 47tlx a t^ p e x , 1”
and gaining, from- flvg days r»te day op
. mean time... .
The other watches, N° 1 and 56, I (delivered to the
Governor,, with fomO nautical i^ rp n } e n js ,\^ 7 who
was authorifed to receive then* Jby Don .Ju a p d e la
Bodega y Quadra, my late mucli valued and l a ^ '
g. - mented.