-BOOK officers;«) onihore in Aetf m. ' boats. I ther.*e<f£o re■■ . deter- .
i—-v-^ mined, to fend them in our own boat; but thg-fprihGi-
,jufy.' pal perfon remaining- on board would nofeacebm|)anjr
them, and feenied extremely difp'leafed at thein^ping.
They;were.Janded' without any hhjedtipn io- the harbour,,
and the boat returned immediately In |he
mean while, our friend: had gone alhbre inone of their
own boats. ;
In about an hour wefaw* the officers.: coming; off,
efcorfced by. their friends, and gavne^me the following
account bf their reception, ”&c- On their landing at
the pier-head they wereiUetby feverahof .the princir
pal people^ who conducted them along .the enufeway
leading nto i the town ; but, after fome jpo-hverfutiori,
they were ihewn into a large •dwellingdioufe,- and entertained
with refrefhments .oftea and tobacco. r Here
they remained, nor . could they prevail upon their
company to let them proceed any-, farther: . they
therefore (Qppofition having, no .effect) returned on
. .board.
They fojund the entrance into the; harbour very
narrow; and in the fair way J they-had 2J fathom^,
juft after low water; and within the port they had
, 7 fathoms.-. It, took a widening direction to the S. W.,
and was^ oh) oQ n h d ^ bH rj^ ^ iv Theg$jj qoupted 20
junks at;,qnchpr„ chiefly, Jfpanefetj frpm.^OOtQ,
300ftons lyurthen.,,. - ,^-j ■
yi Qnie^eh* fifle.yjb^thg’ e n f t a n # ^ a s ,;ia n J;apparent
blOOk'Tbeufe,- j ,or: pl%c«£f>f defenopj* bgilt |bf<iftpiic^fpn a
fquare form, . with loop lilies. . The>;eaufeway 'leading
to -the,tdwn*wasr! 300 oi, 400 yAtd-filong, with'arches*
underneath, to.: give the; water: a- free paffage j for as
the tide flowed; up to-.the town, i oyer the. coral .banks
which extended:; from it-to the. pi.er-he.ad, 1 it was .nC-.
ceffary to gjve?, the'water-its courfe .without >a»y. ob-
ftiuction. -t The-’town extended' along the fliore to the
North fome cbftance; and from the number of ..people,
we, daw fat1 different -times, I fhaul'd fuppofe, it'.very
populous, -j,’The hbufestuwfrs.;p£>i|h e iftPry, arid;, the
roofs-cesvered'with aL brick tiling. ^,|fre«5. | & ,inter-
fperfed* «amongvChe houfes ; - and the, country riling to,
a moderate elevation: at the back of,-the town,- variegated
with^j cultivations and clumps of : woods,
equally diveifified the view from the fea.
At the extreme of the town, to the North, was a
burial-ground. The tomb-ftones0were whitened,t. and
feenied;to lay in an eaft. and weft, direction. .They
are confpicuous as- you fail into the roads'.