;- At 2 P. M. the opening bore off us N. N.W.,' on
with the peaked hill; it appeared to be clofed by low
land. Froma it thé eoafl tended^® the. èaft war<L 'Very
flat and fleep clayifh cliffs. At 7 h. we weï'e abteaft
of an opening promifing good fhelter: an 'ifland lay
iri the centre, with an hummock oh its eafb extreme.
A fmaller iflé was-to the Weft of it, on which thé fea
broke. , At funfet the noTth extreme bore N»*50o E . ;
ifland, N. 35° E .; and^fhefouth extremey
At 8h. wé hauled oiir wind, for thé night, and in the
morning fleered N. E. At day-light the ifland bore
N. 84° W., five leagues; and the extreme, N. '80® E.
Some low flat iflands appeared between us and the
fhore; but we could not pofltively afeertarn them, fox-
the hazy weather over the land. Tlfe eouft préfèhted
a bare profpeél, with a few fcattered trees, • &c. of
very little elevation.
At noon the extremes bore from N. 40° E. to SI 74®
W., three leagues off fhore. Light breezes and fair
We fleered in the direction of the land, about two
leagues diftant. At funfet we had paffed two iflahds
near the main, bearing from W. to N.‘ 41° W .; and
the extremes from N. 55° E. to S. 64» W., five or fix
2 miles.
miles. At 7 h* we hauled off under eafy fail, having
2ë fathoms Tandy bottom. At 18 h. th© extremes
made likeriflapd% beding from N. Il* E. tb N. 84°
Ws By h. we: were welf up with théén. To the
Weflf’w'eTaw the continuation of the flat land which
we fuppofed the main. Theiflands prefen ted a barren
fmfaee,: with rocks above anil under water, projecting
from their extremes to a. cpnfiderable diftaaee, go*
veresl with-öcèaaaic birdst We alfo; fgw< a goad many
wh®!eg’,r ■
-At 81 h^^éfaw: high land to thepoiAh-daflWaed and
from the flat land, but feemiaglyteopimétediiby «areé# :’î
they borè ‘Nôrfh to N. 34° W. three or four miles,‘and
we bid,4A&fcboms. ' . To the North we fa w high land ;
a^4 ^n.iflàîÿd tore f o u M. 1ANBL •to-iN'isi®!,!!*
A t Ah • wë iifere âbreàfl à£i thé éxtreme; fet^f ‘N; .15* 6th.
Eîf$.$ an ifland ; andwe:loff tke^ontlnuation of coaffy
which tended to thè M. W. At 5 Ë. thg.mnd fhiftedi
to|the 'N.'E. quarter, with gloomy^ wgatfler. ^ The
ifland, at (Sè.^ibère.-frbmiMn®5° E. four
Qr' %©.imites ;. an d .tho rocks feftsn-t uoob M. 70^ W.‘
We flood to dfjiing the night.,
8 1 q
C HA P- V.
■ I75A