BO°5 tq .Japan^ a&a yalji^hle artipje...qf food. JJjrpfe bark
is alfp E^n a,r|icle of commerce.
tm '
T|a& women are empio^ed in weaving for
’ garments, and'oth^r peppffary dorpeft^c work, The
: finking. tobapc<?^ is, , a favourite amp|ement with both
Thefe people o f Infu wqjre tributary, and in great
fubje^tion to. th e . Japanele,- who prevented them as
.. much as they could from having any intercourse with
u s ; for whenever they appeared, the Japanefe dyove
them away. They appeared a molt liarmlefs ihoffen-
fiye race of men; and we regretted much the jealouSy
pf the_jJ§|^nplp, which eptii^ly ppfyenfed ^
acquiring tpe information we wifhed concerning their
cuftoms and manners. They Speak in a^flpw timid
manner; and their language contains many Japanefe
words. There were fome trifling plantations of Indian
corn and millet, but few other Signs of cultivation.
This we the more wondered at, as their diet Seemed
very Scanty and precarious ; and the ground produced
abundance .of vegetables, as we observed in the gar-*
dens belonging to the Japanefe.
Vfefaw1 -np other Animals': but. horfeg, dogs, deer, CHAP,
bears,, foxes, and rabbits i but from the dreS& > of the «—
natives** it would appear that the island is not deficient September.
in\Various kinds of pél try.
The fpü is.good,1 and tho praduoe luxuriant,4 The
Wftods produce elm, oak, afb, maypole, birch, beach,
Imp, yew, Silver fir, pipes, poplars,-'hornbeam, and
the. falfafras tree, with a great .variety o f Shrubs.
There are few plants that grow. Spontaneously in England
wpieh are not to. be. found here.
Birds were few in number, fuch as eagles, crows,
a yellow bird o f th e linnet kind, doves, wild geefö,
duck’s,. Shags, herons, fand^pipers, feargullsv &e. The’
fiSh were more numerous, fuch a^ whales, turtle, por-‘ ‘
poifee, cod, fword.hlh, fun and liar SiSh, and many''.;
fpeciesof cruSfcaceous filh.
The afironomer made the following obfefvations on
Shore, opposite the anchorage, for the1: longitude;
&c. &c.
Mean of obferved latitudes, ' - . ’ $?! 4a0 33' 1 x" N.
Longitude deduced from many oblervations, I400 50' 3 a" E.
Variation- on fiiore by 3 -compaflès, - oo; ï<5' 30" W.
' Ditto on board by all the compares ■ i° 27' 20" E. .-