11 th; j
in the night was more indented >than'vufu'a], buc did
not promife any fhelter. 1
At 2 h. we, palled the low point, making the extreme
at noon. I t is the only' part we have. yet. feen
making a:point. I t projects. out with a gradual defcent
•from the high; land,,. terminating -, very low. I t is. iitu-
ated in the latitude of 48° 46v.N.,-. and. longitude 141°
32' E
At 7 h. we hauled off for the night • and at midnight
we had ftrong breezes and hazy weather,*when
we wqrer, audAjarpught to the wind, till day-light,
our fituation being the fame as 1 aft n ig h t: the extremes
hearing- S. 5° E. to N. E. At 20 h. a fugar-
l.qaf hill,, S.7 84° E. The cqa.fl, (till . preferred a
northerly.. direction; but- our view was much limited
by. th e , haze. At noon the Sugar-loaf, making the
extreme, South | north extreme, N. | | l E., two or
Squally and dark gloomy weather.% ’
Thrihigh round moubtaini to; th’e - SI E.r of thé low
peint, which ;wè pàfed -ih -thé !âftembo®, ' makes 7tihîs
% 7 - HP® part
pqrt.eafhy ,hnq|vn.jC Tot$ke JoutJaward^frit^the land .|:,HAP.
is ofhmoderate Novation ; but to the northward; re- —--— ’
mar&abfy. , '>wd 1 I abruptly. , Jftua tb$! September,
Inland^ tlje>imq.uhtains were MI.moterelevated : stnany
of them ^clothed -with jvo.oA.up to? their fummits. The
fliore •-.coutinfied;.;. fe,q|,d^ and,;prefenfed^ng^hKgers gto
obftru<a.. ewi'uavigatiqu. rS ^ ^ o u ld n ^ I ifq ^ h * any
openiagsyrier ithb fmallefttappearahees ixff^thehf&Vaft“
being inhabited.' ;
I could not reconcile' the extent of this land * feith
the ifland Korth- of lafool,: in thferdapemefe . chart ;
jnejiher d|d.- it cofttinue- thel fame^eafterly drrejfitioh:
however,, „ to ofeah up the matter,,|we had onljL ttf
continue 'ottriconrfe,'. keeping '«well in .withthe;ddnd.
The land to the Weft we could only conclude to be
thdfc'oaft of T aitary ; but the extent of the .land' we
had now-traced up.for 4 |; o f latitude we ’could not
all comprehend. ‘ij-lfoKhad we mny . baoksror. chants?
to clear mp. edr doubts, except Book’s, third -.-voyage,
which only tended? to confufe u s : I mean in thofe
ie^tradfcs. relating;: to the voyage o f :thef Caftricom and
Baofls.es, where he fuppofes| the- former fell. in:.with
■the dafteiri esaft of Tai^fy,vw'hen Do Vj||stiinagmcd
they wkrh.exploring-tbs land o f Jefo ‘up-to 4 9 ° ^ -