B 0 O K having conveyed the bread-fruit there from Otaheite.
This fhip had been originally intended-fpr the Wcft-
,7?3‘ India trade, tahé',Vasî-purchkfed-fcy? èoVérn^ient on
the ftoeks, for the éxprefs\purpofê,>f ’bringing- the
bread-fruit trees from the South-Seas, in-which fervicb
flie Jhad ,h,eço engaged, for, two.yç^rs. y She wa^riyer-
built, of aboùt 420 fonà in bürthèn, arid .was "finely
fheathed with copper, though I think it would be
. proper, that all fhip? empoyed? in -diftant" voyages
fhould be. fheathed with wood, and coppered over
the fheathing. The Providence was taken into dbck
at Deptford for one tide, and théncé tranfported
to Woolwich, at which yajrd fhe was ^ordered to be
fitted. On the Sd October 1793, I r%icdi#d rhy^ ap-
pombment to command Ëér, ând thë^fame day com-
miffioned the fhip.' The fitting her out detained ns at
Woolwich the remainder of-ri&e'years and easily-'-in
1794, the fhip feeing-ready, we dropped down to
Gravefeiid, as à mord convenrerit1 place fori entering
feameih Heré We remained “the " êftïP.bf March,
when we proceeded to the Nore, Muïîhg
Dalrymple, whole flag was flying on béard the; Sand-
wieh. During the month of April we completed otir
complement with volunteers from the. Sandwich ; and
having orders to proceed to Spithead, we accordingly
2 failed
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H i
failed with a convoy of merchantmen under our pro-
' fedioik During the night, in palling through the
Gull Stream, the pilot run the fhip .upon the Brake
Sand : we were notable to heave off till the morning’s
tide,'$hen, foon after,- we anchored: in the Downs,
the lhip appearing to havp ..-received no damage.
Vice.-Admiral Peyton’s flag'was flying'on board the
; Leopard* which wea fainted ; and in tb e evening» our
fhip and the convoy workedtsthrpugh the Downs to
other; weflrWard, with atf light - wefferly- wind,; In the
might the wind drew round 'tdj the eaflward, and we
made all* faifeat day-light,* repeating-, fi goals for the
. convby to d o th e fame. We paffed tnrough the grand
fleet lying in-Sandrdown Bay, under the command.of
Lord Iiowe; and anchored at Spithead, having fainted
Admiralf Sip Peter .Parker, whofc.flag was flying, pn
board the Royal William. . During the month of May
the fhip was docked, but had received no damage in
her paffage to the Downs,^fhe continued in every
re£pe£t ready for fea; and^fhe fhip’s. company, as well
as the. officers, wegje paid their wages to, the end of
July. In this month liis Majefty vifited Pprtfmputb,
towiew the grand fleet after the, action of the 1ft of
Ju n e ; and every captain had the honour of being
prefented to him. j
C H A P .
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