fecond ^ 8P°: W<, Having’ fine mopndightlwe con- Qhap.
tinned :<aur ^liepditigeqcafien- '
ally without inchingbottom. At 12:fe.i30m. we faw jjrtr»
an tilghitoekfbbaring:ik '$■ S'..'” At: 1 faV fteering^iEt®^*'K
we paged about i three ihilej»; North of it, without
fauiklingRia|i^a;fethoin6., At 2 h. it bore South; and
uttii ^tiLipa&^ET juft in« fight:’ ifc fefembkd .the rock
called Pula Sapula, in the Cfeinefib teas. By the obr
fervation M ndoh we found the piitaent had fet : us tci
the N, E . '42 miles tliefe. 24 hours h which being ah
lowed for, inj fettling the !fituatidn of the rock* its
latitude will be 25° 5'7' Nv longitude 124n 30' EW ah
low ingjthe current to be regular to-day.
At 11 h. we faw land bearing E. -1 S. At 17 fi. it
extended from S.49° E. to 77° g If ^ as low in the
middle of the iftand, but the fouthern part was rather ^
hi^h. We failed within three miles, of the fliore,
haring fio foundings with 50 fa!thbiris^ | T^rbni each
extreme extended a long fandy fpit, .with a detached
Poek -South of each. The land appeared well cut*
tivated ? and we could perceive feveral- haMfotiotesl-
In the morning tf e native» dame«« ris : we found
them the finne raee of people we had feebatlJfyjuUfan,
equally docile and comtnunieatiVei*! At 8 A.;M. we
h h : . ^w