At 17 h. the extremes, being the feme feen laft
evening, extended from N. 5° W.-to S. 56?. W. four .or
five leagues.- We alfo perceived tlie high mountain
on the eaft eoaft.
Light breezes, and very pleafent evening, i;
At noon the weft eoaft, from §L.-4g^Wr-torS.-j64? W . ;
and the mountain on the oppofite, N. SS*. E. 14
leagues. Aired the fchooner with fires. ,
At lh . having remarked the eaftern eoaft' fuffi-
ciently, with which view we had before lacked in the
morning: to make it diftinaty, we now Hood for the
weftera eoaft. At 6 ft, the fouth extreme bore-S, 68°
W., terminating in a hill of a conic fhapet north extreme,
N. 28° W. four or five leagues, The land
a-breaft of us prefented much the feme inhofpitable
afped; we had obferved up the.gulpkto the JStorth,
In the night we had a fwell from the S.:E. quarter,
with dark, gloomy, threatening weather; and in the
morning we had an increafe of wind, with* fome rain.
Tacked at 16 h. At 17-h., the wind veering to the
Eaft, we bore away ;-the high mountain on the eaft
eoaft bearing from us due Eaft. At 20 h. the weft
' fide ©fi the land ; boreiiN. W .:• ■ - .. . and. the wind kveTe.r ihPg "^H AP. vl.
more northerly, brought with it-frêfir galés and rainy —’
■ weather, which éntirely dbftfÜrdci*1 ‘the land; and' vfe September.
;had* ëve$fê profp'e<St!V ©PMift approaching' gsHë' of Wind.
We reduced our fail; accordingly;?, and ’intereafed* our
diftance from the fuppofed dirèétion ^6^1^ weft eoaft,
which we had only feen imperfectly , in the morning.
We had no 'foundings/ thefe 24 hours.
■ Strong gales, with heavy rain and fireqüent:fqualis, «lï.
we hwére fuift ciently clear of the land, I
thought'“ it rn'oft prudent to bring £©, with- oUr heads
tó eaft ward. At funfet rï^brew a very fevërè’ gaïe^ v
with conftant rain ; and' we remained layiftgfo under
a clófe-feefedïnainfaih with avery heavy^fek.' Evéty
hour, during thé night,* feemed to >add force to the-
wrod , whictó blevi-^witb wneommon violence?; and the-
weafcher was dark and gloomy tè- a";degree^ fi> much f<>
that we could not fee h%oiid the veffeï. Wé had enly
to -h'öpè the land continued a fouth-weftërTy direction,
as we cóidd' not' c£rry any feil to efcape it,
fhoutd it for us unfortunately tend to the South of
S. S. W. Our little veflfel1 made Jvèry ''g©'e!d wtótfter-y
for though the fpray 0-f the fe& blew conftantTy ovey
us, Wfe dïd notfhip* any quantity o f water. At-14 H.
we were very happy to find the gale' abating; and by
E e % l6sh.