i. ; '.
In the morning we found ourfelvesin a fpacious bay,
the volcanic mountain bearing S; -10° E., and the ap-,
parent ifle N. 64° E. five leagues ; the extreme to-r
wards the Bluff Point S. 48° E. A great quantity of
fmoke iffued from the north fide of the : mountain,
from which we were diftant three or four miles. To
the weftward were feveral. houfes fcattered along
{here ; and, before poon. feveral -of the Cohabitants
paid us a vifit. -They* wero the Carpe, kind of mepwe
had befpre feen, .befides r fome who refenjblgd .the
Ghinefb*. excepting in . their hah, ^yfiiçh, yeas long on
the fides, and tied up behind, much greafed with; oil,
while the crown and forehead were fhaved, < They had
all a pipe and tobacco box, and feemed muchplepfed.-
with the internal part of the fixip ; but a breeze fpring-
ing up theyvfooa left us, and we .flood over to thq,
north fide .of the. bay, with a gentle wind frpm the
fea. At noon the apparent ifland boro N. 87® E. ;
and the extremes tpwards the Bluff Pointy* 50,° E.^
diftant from the volcanic mountain about four leagues.*
Our watches this day differed fo çonfiderably, that we
could placé no dependence upon them. Having .run
N. E. 14 miles, we were abreaft of a yillage : a junk
was at anchor off it, in the entrance of a fmall opening.
A . reef of rocks extended tp f the J^.W.: we
tacked in 10 fathoms to avoid them ; and fending a
boat ahead,m)ore up tp the weftward for a bay that
promifed good anchorage. | Ait 4 h. we came to in
7 fathoms water, muddy bottom, about £ of a mile
from the fhore, and oppofite an extenfive village.
The outer part of the.reef.borp South, and the volcano
5° tp .thp Weft pf it, about 1Q„ leagues diftant.
We had feyeral vifitors^frorq thp .village* „and foon
jfitera Japane,fe, whp immediately fent::away our Infu
friends. •. We »attempted $ to - converfe with , our new
acquaintance,.» but to; no purpofe : before dark he
left uSi
C H A P .
1796. r