BOOK ines with 100 fathoms of line.; and at 8 A.M. fa\r ■ ■. j.. b
—’ the land about-Noofka bearibgj ^iJ^i/E. When we
March, qbferved in 4§°>9' 42" N..; lat. account 49?:
' long. dittO-.^^l&^-E. Point breakers
Icarrue^u Iand th©:ex tremes of land. f ■-?. |■ - ’ • •" - TV rp.m !Nv28, IV. to
' dSP, 68° E. - PortSan Raphael N. 35° E,
The wind fixing at 3fct,'N. E. <fe anchored in, 34
fathoms. The whole, country! being cosvered- with
fiiow, had a mod defolate appearanoe,. ;I fept: an
officerinto the cove for intelligence, who returned at
noon, and reported there were , no vefiels m ip la n d
that the fpot on which theSpanifh fettlement formerly
flood was now occupied by an Indian village:;-
• 1.7th. The wind fhiftmg to fee Well we got under way,
and anchored i n the Sound at 6 0 fathoms. Maequin-
na, the chief of Nootka, paid us a vifit here : ho:, and
(2-lupanutch, another chief, brought me feveral letters,
dated March 1795, which informed me that Captain.
Vancouver failed from Monterey the ill December
1794, for England; and that the Spaniards had de^
• livered up the port of Nootka, -&c. to Lieutenant
Pierce of the Marines, agreeably to the mode of refti-
tution fettled between the two Courts. A letter from
the Spanifh officer, Brigadier Alava, informed me of
e .. , their
their failing in March 1795, from hence. In the
evening we had calm weather, affording- us good
-fhelter. iflot^and the' 111 ore of ’Ndotka,
where the Chip was made Ready with hawfers, and
laid in 7 fathoms water. On an examinational the
harbour, wèfb’und the,beach perfectly convenient for
laying -the fhip ’em*, flWe|; ; W.e therefore fhifted our
birth,v and warped into Mawinee harbour. At low
water we- had .31 fathoms, and were protected from
all winds.
Our tents were filled opposite the fhip, and, proyi-
fions fent there with a guard. In the courfe Of the
week our anchors, cables, and; 14 guns, were alfo
landed on a convenient liage, which the carpenters
had made for that p u rp o fè ;^
- Wé vifited the Sound to the eaflward, while another
party' Vent to % o o tla i where they mef with the Lady
Walhingtdtt brig. She had^béeiï out 31 days'-from
thct: Sandwich lflatf&s, and fii e arrived at; this plafce
With' tlie intention of repairing her leaks. Her ip-
pêârance gave us great pleâfufe, aà Re Could mutually
auift each other.
h 2 ' ‘ Tine
CHAP. ' ill.
Ap*il 1 oth.