^ not leein. deftrous of making any excjiang.es what-
ever,- which may be1 owingp probably,-- to dhe articles
‘©£tobek we-' poffeiTed being off tno value rin their' eftimation.
-Indeed ^we- had ffiotbing-tto excite ffheir attention,, or
dktisfy~4fieir -fettitoity, lexcept- ■-phr .v»ealgng! [ iapjiareb
-The tifdllowing ®bferkationd - were made* ifbr ithe longi-
tndfe, 8§ij» <
-•; Varriatió,h ffórAgimuths''witli- two-compaSete, - ' i f ' ■: :2®,.:g'v ©»'W.!
gf _! I
Mean lauti^ie ofthe foutfa point oï entrance, \ 2' o" NT.
Mean pf 37" Tets ’of cGftahces, taken before our aririrlt, 1^° 24^ ; 8,r E.
' "Mean .of 42 lets-on eafch^dè'oPüieöoon,kt anchor, i 2 ^ 4 & 4n'r (J
■.Mean pf-2aj^ts,rttaken;after leaving.the harbour, isto,°"X8.' 15" *
The mean of the 997 reduced by, the .watch, twill
make 129° 7' 7", which is taken for the true longitude
•of Tchofan harbour.
* Ky; fiagle - .al^itpjlc^ taken j ,qa flioi’e,- between the
,13tk aqd 2.14% pf:; C^t9ip(^»er,c jf^atch 45, was flow
for mean time, a t Greenwich 0(h- l?m . .aS s .^ on.the
,31ft of October at noon; and was found to .be lofinsr
per day 80. on meamtime^ j Q a J È È 13th, tfewatch
fhewed the longitude, at anchor, by Éndornd rate,
r by Macao jfate, T38*d02s||
As it appears the watch goes fo irregularly, or that C H AP,
the rate ^acquired' at Endomo harbour is^fubjedfc to
fome. ertor, I hive fhewn daily the «Longitude by o&ober.
Macao rate, „ Correcting its error ,in7 longitude- at Endomo,
which makes it agree better with all the obferva-
tions we' have,.made fince leafing.,Volcano bay.