book Hummock or^SadSfc Illand fSk W.o.byW. | paft
C—»—» 18 h .: tacked*.^;
©Sober.- | >
21ft* At funfetr the fouthemmoft ifland bore fiio'm-S'. 66orW,
to N. 84° W. eight or ten leagues; ’Saddle or Hummock
Ifland N; W. and the *lbuth extreme- of
Maruchan N. 27° W .: neareft land feven feaguil,' At
8 h. thick' foggy weather.
The wind fuddenly 'fhifted tp tiitev #eftward, and
blew ftrong, with clear weather. jra§.
_22d. 13 h. Variable, with light airs^of wind gradually
veering to the fouthward'.
18-h.— Macje (ail.
24 h. ' j'relh -freezes and fine we^fhjer.
23d. 1 h. Erelh breezes apd fine weather....
4 hi Strong breeze, and hazy,' lliQrtened fail.
6' hr; Hauled upon a wind under ealy .(aik,
9 h. Dark cloudy weather, with heavy rain. • "Wore
12 h. Strong fqualls. Struck-tlic top-gallant, mails;
l 6 h. Moderate breezes and \ variable,7 thick- f• o_ fOf
and heavy min, with a large fou them fwell.. •
23 h. Light airs. Out reefs”, and made fail.
- 24 h. The fame fog; dill continued. , c h a p .
mmmBe * •
lulh. Frefh*breezes and'very hazy weather, with a Q^ober
fb frth e & irfW e H .*' i i , .n o o n . v - - ■ ; 24* ‘
3 h. ' Thick 'foggy weather. Tackfed ihip. (ft
6 hi Shortened ’fail' for’.'the'flight, with! moderate
ancWbggy yreatli&r^H
8’h/- Wihd* ^efedfto weft ward,.andj?dhGrfeafed
46 a frelh «jhied^eVwiffr’tei^haky weather at lO h., and
• We clofedhtfed I the; topfailsI^P
12 h. Wore ftiip, and ftritok .’tbp-gallaftt; ’ malts,
heavy fqtihltl:' At*^& h. TiMed '’‘.the;’topfails and
«eOUrf^i' and hioughh’ to ; unde^ tBe-ftorm ftay-fails.j
Hfeavy gales of, wind, attended witli Hail,; at 15 hr,
laying' to under a mizen ftorm Hay-fail.
Oat the jib-boom in,- and lowered-down
the gaff/
24 h'. Strong gales and fair, with 'addrgeffeai-yo
1 h. Strong gales and fine weatherewith a largteCda’.* _
f | w Set.the fbretaii reefed. *
h. More-moderate.-/»Set the’'-‘main:-topfaifolofe ^
reefed; &J
12 h ;', Frelh gales' and fine weather. Set the ford-