unb anbete wefHtdjc 5ljïaten SBMbdjen unb $Beibev «m
beft o uieljr fdj£§eti, je runber unb felbfi je fetter fie
fïnb; fo fefeu bte auê biefen 3S5lfern t)ergammenben
Sftobten in Jgdnboffan ben gr&gen $8ert{) in cine augers
orbentlidie |p W |$ |l b e ê iö a u ê metbftdjer ^ è r p e r ; unb
reegen b iefeê93or$ugê, ben ge In ben $afd)emmcTtti<
tien ftnben, $tcfyen fte bte Ie|teren ben fd)6nen SSJïab#
d)en auê ©corgien unb fëivcaftten Dor*). (ÉKdMDm
■ren nal)men btefen ©efdjmacf hn jatten weiMtdjen
pern unflretttgtn J^inboltan au Ungewijferift eê,;oHie
«§tnbub Don ben ?Öïot)ren bie^egierbeaunafynmt, f e l
fett unb ffarfletbtg ju metben* 3>n btcfer 5lbfid)t trttu
ïen Dtele Jjinbné fdgltd) betrdd)tltd)e duantitaten %ou
@l)ee, ober Don flü ftger SSutter. Wtau famt mit
@ r o f e jmeifeln, bag b a d j&ttnfen Don d u tte r bte
5Ötr6ung ^ erD orbringew cïdje bte Jginbuê ffd) baoon
Derfpredjeu, nod; mel;r aber, bag baê S n iffen Jt?on
G u tter fceraufd;e, wie n q u e t i l unter ben .föE aJ
anberëmo iogar tljr? SSctbcr anaeboten batten, nw bte»
feê in benfetbtgén ©egenben fd)on 9#a„rco ^o lo’ö1
Beirea gïfcbah» J I . 37* 38 p. 91. 93, ib/p. 305. 50?an
fann ftcper anndjmen, bag btefe nitt 5Öèibevn unb Sbcb»
tern frepgcbigm ’3J?enfcben ntd)t non Tatarifcber, fom
bern Don 2$ongofifcbcr IHbfunft maren.
l ) Grose I. 135. Those of Cashmire — having besides
the advantage of a delicacy in shape and make,
which is chiefly in request among them. This taste
they'even push to such an extravagance, as to scruple
ho price hardly for a female slave, which toher
other beaCities should have that added of a plumpness
covering the smallest bones that can be imagined,
for in .the bone they think thé weight chiefly'Consists,
and therefore those, who vvefghlthe
least , are by them reckoned thé rarest aud most
delicate pieces.
tett f)b*te *)♦ 5B enn bic # tn b tié m $ t eine fo ent?
Mtebene 5Ibn eigu n g gegen aü eé g tem b e W tte n ; fo
w are eê le id ff, einige ^ e ru n jla ftu n g e n bcê <^6rperê,
rt>etd)c an ber (Soroniimbeïtfdien unb SOÎalahari(d)en
$ û g e betrfdjenb ftnb , oud ber 9Iad)al)tnung ber fu bli*
c^en 5 lg a te n abjiffetten* JDte S am u le n fdjw&rjen U)te
o r b ite , unb laffen il)re D la g e l eben fo fdjeugïtd) w aft*
fen> note aile Ô fttn btfdjen SB&ffer 2 ) . p i e fd)6nen
SRatren unb S îa trin n en an ber ÜJlftlabarifdjcn f y â £
ghb fto lj a u f ûngel)euer fange P l r e t i até a u f d n 3 et*
d)en il)reê 2 lb e lé , unb erlauhen begmegen ben 9Kens
fdjen ber unteren $ a g e t t n td )t, bag jte bte O fyrlappen
burch £ungltd;e SDîittel fo auôbefjnen, w ie bic S îa ire n
1) Grose I. 235. The Gentoos too, as well as many
of thé Orientalists in general, affect corpulence. ..
To compass this , some of them will drink every
day large quantities of Ghee, a Kind of liquid butter
. . This they imaginé breeds fat, thongh it is
» hard to conceive, that it should riot rather distroy
their stomach by the rankness it must produce in
it. 25te #int>uê fatten ^ettbett f&r cine gvofie @abe
©otteg. Ives p. 188. Anquetil Disc. prél. p. 228.
Cette espèce de liqueur leur sert encçre de bojsson.
Elles les engraisse, et ils en prennent quelquefois
jusqu’à enivrer.
2) Ives p.*30. The other is not lefs offensive; the
length of their nails, and the blacknefs of their teeth,
both which they' are very careful of preserving.
They reckon one a mark of beauty, the ojther of a
good family. Whithe teeth are held in such dises-
teem, with them, that they make use of an artificial
enamel ou purpose to blacken them ; they say,
white teeth are only fit for dogs at d monkeys. And
a frightful length of nails,r in their opinion, proves
them to be well descended, as it manifestly shews,
that they have not been accustomed to do servile