23. Coniocybe Ach. Thallus p u lv e ru le n t: apotheoia stipita,te,
globoso-pulverulent, yellowish, w ith simple, colourless or yellowish
sp o re s; spermogones with simplish sterigmata and cylindrical,
stra ig h t spermatia.
24. Trachylia F r. Thallus granulose : apotheoia oupuliform,
sessile, black, with 1 -septate, blackish spores; spermogones with
simplish sterigmata and oblong or ellipsoid spermatia.
Tribe I I . SPH.fflROPHOREI Nyl. Thallus frutioulose, bran ch ed :
apotheoia torminal, in nate, closed, a t length open and variously
25. Sphserophorus Pers. Thallus casspitose: apotheoia globose,
w ith spherical violot-blaok sp o re s; spermogones w ith simplish short
sterigmata and oblong spermatia.
Series I I . C LAD O D E I Nyl. Apotheoia torminal on podetia,
ra re ly sessile, biatorine, rarely leoanorine.
Tribe I I I . BiEOMYCETEI Nyl. Thallus horizontally ex panded;
apotheoia substipitate.
26. Gomphillus Nyl. Thallus gelatinoso-oonglutinate; apotheoia
stipitate, olavato-capitate w ith filiform multiseptate spores ; spermogones
w ith simple sterigmata and cylindrical spermatia.
27. Bseomyces Pers. Thallus orustaceo-granulose or subsqua-
mulose : apotheoia stipitate or sessile, biatorine, with simple or
1 - 3-septato spores ; spermogones with jointed sterigmata and stra ig h t
Tribe IV. PILOPHOEEI Nyl. Thallus verrucoso-granulate with
rigid podetia : apotheoia cephalodine on th e podetia, with paraphyses
prolonged into th e hypothecium.
28. Pilophorus F r. fil. Thallus bearing oephalodia : apotheoia
subglohose, hlaok, with simple sp o re s; spermogones with simplish
sterigmata and curved or stra ig h t spermatia.
Tribe V. STEE.EOCAULEI Nyl. ThaUus csespitose, podetiiform,
solid : apotheoia terminal or lateral, lecideine or rarely lecanorine.
29. StereocaulOH Schreb. Thallus hearing oephalodia; podetia
covered w ith fragile granules : apotheoia brownish or blackish, with
3- 9-septate spores; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata and sub-
baciUar, stra ig h t or sUghtly curved spermatia.
30. Leprocaulon Nyl. Thallus n o t bearing oephalodia, with
pseudo-podetia, which are more or less le p ro s e : apotheoia and
spermogones unknown.
Tribe VI. CLADONIEI Nyl. ThaUus foliaceous or frutioulose,
with fistulöse podetia: apotheoia terminal on th e podetia, rarely
sessile on th e basal thallus, biatorine.
31. Pycnothelia Duf. ThaUus granuloso-orustaoeous, podetia
olavate, papill®form, g lab ro u s: apotheoia brown, with simple spores;
spermogones with simplish sterigmata and curved spermatia.
32. Cladonia Hill. Thallus foliolose or squamulose; podetia
branched or scyphose, pulverulent and squamose: apotheoia brown
or soarlet, with simple spores ; spermogones with simplish sterigmata
and oyUiidrioal stra ig h t or somewhat curved spermatia.
33. Cladina Nyl. Thallus leafless ; podetia ascyphous, branched,
smoothish: apotheoia brown, with simple spores ; spermogones with
simpUsh sterigmata and stra ig h t or usuaUy curved spermatia.
Series I I I . B A M A L O D E I Nyl. ThaUus efoKolose, frutioulose
or hlamentose : apotheoia generaUy leoanorine or parmelioid.
^ Tribe V II. EOCCELLEI Nyl. ThaUus simplish or branched,
mternaUy with filamentose medulla: apotheoia often irregular,
adnate, terminal or lateral. ’
34. Eoccella DC. Thallus frutioulose from a common base:
apotheoia normally leoanorine, blackish, with 3-septate spores-
spermogones with simplish sterigmata and arcuate spermatia.
Tribe V I I I . SIPBiULEI Nyl. Thallus podetiiform, simple or
frutioulose, in ternally with filamentose or fistulöse m ed u lla : apotheoia
no t rightly known.
85. Thamnolia Ach. Thallus subulato-stipitate, in ternally fistulöse
: apotheoia unknown ; spermogones with jointed sterigmata and
cylindrical, slightly apieaUy incrassate spermatia.
Tribe IX . EAMALINEI Nyl. ThaUus friitiouloso-foliaoeous,
rounded or compressed, with woolly medulla : apotheoia lecanorine
36. Eamalina Ach. ThaUus ramoso-laciniate, medulla arachnoid
; apotheoia terminal or lateral, snbooncolorous, with 1-septato
spores ; spermogones with pauci-articulate sterigmata and straight
cylindrical or oblongo-cylindrioal spermatia.
Tribe X. USNEEI Nyl. ThaUus very much branched, rounded
or compressed, with firm medullary a x is : apotheoia parmelioid,
pB lt c ltö ,