66. Urceolaria Ach. Thallus crustaceous, continuous or areolate :
apotheoia uroeolato-impressed, w ith a proper and a thalline margin,
and spores soptately murali-divided ; spermogones w ith somewhat
branched sterigmata and cylindrioal spermatia.
Subtribe V. L EC ID E E I Nyl. ThaUus variously crustaceous,
pulverulent, or none proper ; gonidial layer consisting of gonidia
(rarely of ohrysogonidia) : apotheoia patellulate.
67. Lecidea Aoh. Thallus squamose, areolate, pulverulent, or
none proper : apothecia biatorine, gyaleotoid, or lecideine, with
simple or variously septate spores ; spermogones w ith simple or
simplish sterigmata and acioular, stra ig h t or arcuate, or shortly
cylindrical spermatia.
68. Odontotrema Nyl. ThaUus macular, indistinct : apotheoia
thelotremoideo-lecideino or gymnotremoid, w ith simple or th in ly
3-septato spores ; spermogones no t observed.
Tribe X IX . GEAPHIDEI Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous, th in , continuous,
often h u t littlo visible, rarely w a n tin g ; gonidial layer consisting
of g o n id ia : apothecia lireUine or rotundate.
69. Xylographa F r. ThaUus maculate, hypophlceodal: apotheoia
lireUino or oblong, w ith simple sp o re s; spermogones w ith simple
sterigmata and acioular curved spermatia.
70. Agyrium F r. ThaUus maculate, scarcely v isib le : apotheoia
oblong or rotundate, with simple spores ; spermogones no t known.
71. Lithographa Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous or ev an e sc en t: apotheoia
UreUine, w ith simple spores ; spermogones n o t yet seen.
72. Opegrapha Humb. ThaUus usuaUy hypophlceodal or obsolete:
apotheoia lineari-lanoeolate, subrotundate or linear, w ith 1 - or
multi-septate spores; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata, and
cylindrioal, s tra ig h t or arcuate spermatia.
73. Platygrapha Nyl. ThaUus th in or obsolete : apotheoia
plane, simple, with spurious thalUne margin and septate spores ;
spermogones with simple sterigmata, and cylindrical, stra ig h t or
slightly curved spermatia.
74. Stigmatidium Mey. ThaUus distinct, crustaceous, th ic k ish ;
apothecia punotiform or elongate, with variously septate spores;
spermogones w ith simple sterigmata and short s tra ig h t spermatia.
75. Arthonia Ach. ThaUus th in , or hypophlceodal and evanescent,
rarely wanting, internaUy sometimes w ith ohrysogonidia :
apotheoia roundish or difform, plane or tumid, with variously
septate spores; spermogones with simple sterigmata, and cyUndrical,
stra ig h t or curved spermatia.
76. Graphis Adans. ThaUus thin, epiphloeodal or hypophlceodal :
apotheoia linear, divided or simple, in n ate a t th e base, w ith plurilooular
spores ; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata and stra ig h t
or slightly curved spermatia.
77. Chiodecton Aoh. ThaUus th in or thickish, pulverulento-
verruooso : apotheoia in th e thaUine verruoæ, suhstellato-radiate,
often confluent, w ith 3-septate spores ; spermogones w ith simple
sterigmata and acicular, arcuate spermatia.
78. Glyphis Ach. Thallus usuaUy hypophlceodal or obsolete,
with large scattered verruoæ: apothecia in tho thaUine verruoæ,
rotundate or elongate, compound, w ith plnrilooular spores ; spermogones
no t yet seen.
79. Melaspilea Nyl. Thallus th in or obsolete : apotheoia
arthonioid, suporfioial, w ith 1-septate spores ; spermogones with
simple sterigmata and s tra ig h t spermatia.
Series VI. P Y R E N O D E I Nyl. ThaUus peltate, crustaceous,
hypophlceodal, or evanescent : apothecia nuclear, th e hymenium
enclosed in a pyrenium, w ith an apical ostiole.
Tribe XX . PYRENOOARPEI Nyl. ThaUus various, often
maculate or obsolete ; gonidial layer consisting of gonidia, rarely
of gonimia : apothecia pyrenodeine, often d e stitute of paraphyses,
the opithecium constricted, punotiform.
80. Normandina Nyl. ThaUus squamulose, squamules thin,
ro u n d ed ; gonidial layer consisting of tru e gonidia: apotheoia
immersed, w ith septate spores ; spermogones not seen.
81. Endocarpon Hedw. ThaUus peltate, or squamæform, or
areolato ; gonidial layer consisting of gonidimia : apotheoia immersed
or somewhat prominent, w ith simple spores; spermogones with
jo in ted sterigmata and sh o rt s tra ig h t spermatia.
82. Verrucarina Nyl. Thallus crustaceous, areolate, muooso-
gelatinous, containing gonidimia : apotheoia immersed or somewh
a t prominent, with simple spores; spermogones with simple
sterigmata and short stra ig h t spermatia.
83. Verrucaria Pers. ThaUus squamulose, or areolate, or pulverulent,
or obsolete, containing gonidia : apothecia semi-immersod
or sessile, w ith entire or d imidiate pyrenium, and simple or variously
septate or murali-looular spores ; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata
and various spermatia.
84.^ Thelenella Nyl. ThaUus epiphloeodal, thin, containing
gonidia : apothecia innate, with immersed pyrenium and plu rilooular
spores ; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata and flliform
cylindrioal spermatia.