20 EI'TIKE.VOEl. r I’YEENOrslS. EP nERE.] n oM o rs iD E i. 27
, ■ llil
I f b
are enveloped in a thielcisli gelatinose tunic.’' The apothecia are rare in
the few British specimens gathered, and the spores are seldom well developed.
We have not detected any mature spermogones on our specimens,
though these would determine more definitely the place of this species, as
the spermatia in tlie Phi/lliscodei (Nyl. Flora, 1887, p. 133) are elongate
and arcuate.
Hah. On moist mica-schist rocks in alpine places.—Histr. Very local
and rare, having been found only very sparingly among the S. Grani])iaiis.
—B. iM.; Summit of Ben Lawers, Perthshire.
Tribo I I I . HOMOPSIDEI Nyl. ex Stiz. St. Gall. Nat. Ges.
1876, p. 1 9 3 ; Flora, 1887, p. 133.
Thallus variable in form and te.xture, being either (1) fruoti-
culose, w ith gonimia seriate, and chiefly contiguous or seriatoly
connate in th e branches and branoldets, or (2) squamuliform or
granuloso-oontinuous, uniform, with gonimia (haplogonimia) somew
h a t large and snbsolitarj’, or large and solitarjq always gelatinoso-
in v o lu te ; medullary filaments wanting. Apotheoia pyreuooarpous,
in n ate in thalline protuberances, externally more or less eminent,
or immersed and without any ex te rn al p ro tu b e ran c e ; spores simple
or ra rely 1 - s e p ta te ; paraphyses slender or none. Spermogones
inclosed in thaUine protuberances, or immersed and without any
protuberance ; spermatia either shortly cylindrical, stra ig h t (the
sterigmata simple), or elongate, th in , arcuate (th e sterigmata
simple, somewhat short).
This tribe comprises various small brown or blackish plants, agreeing
in the common cliaracter of having pyreuocarpous apothecia, though in
other respects ditt'eriug considerably in the several genera. According
to the form and texture of the thallus, the arrangement of the gonimia,
and the presence or absence of thalline protuberances enclo.-ing the
fructification, it is divided into two subtribes, viz. Ephehei and Phyllis-
codei. To the latter, according to Nylander in litt., belongs Collema
granuliforme Ny\. — Phylliscodium granuliforme Nyl., which, although
recorded (erroneously) by Leighton (Lich. Fl. ed. .3, p. 22) from Galway,
has not been gathered in our Islands.
Subtribe E P H E B E I Nyl. ex Stiz. St. Gall. Nat. Ges. 1876,
p. 193 ; Flora, 1887, p. 133.
Thallus small, byssoid, fruotiouloso-ramose ; gonimia tunioated,
in nodulose syngonimia. Apotheoia minute, pyrenoearpous, in
ellipsoid or pyriform incrassations of the thaUus, paraphyses distinct
or none : spores 8nae, ellipsoid, simple or 1 -3 -se p ta te , colourless.
Spermogones in n ate in globular or shortly ellipsoid th allin e tubercles,
with slender, simplish sterigmata.
The thallus in its younger and immature state is entirely Sirosiphoid
in structure; so th at this subtrihe might briefly be defined as consisting
of “ pyrenoearpous sirosiphoid Fphebacei.” Its two genera are well
distinguished from each other by the anatomical characters of the
5. E PHEBE F r. PI. n o ra .(1 8 ^ { jj p. 2,56 ; Nyl. Syn. i. (18-58)
p. 85, emend. Flora, 1875, p. 6 {efr. Cromb. Grevillea, v. p. 124).—
Thallus usually clioBoious, eylindrioal, in tric ate ; within longitudinally
c e llu la r; gonimia chiefly towards tho surface, 2 -4 in each nodule.
Pig. 4.
Ephebe pubesceyis Nyl.—a. Thalline branchlet, with apothecia, X 30. b, Thalline
branehlet, with spermogones, X30. e. Sterile branchlets, x30. d. Transverse
section of thallus, and longitudinal section of thallus, x200. e. Pour
syngonimia, x350. /. Section of thalline receptacle of three apothecia, x30
X560. i. Sterigmata and spermatia,
X oUU.
Apotheoia solitary or aggregate, paraphyses n o n e ; spores simple
or I-3 -so p ta te : hymenial gelatine scarcely tinged w ith iodine.
Spermogones with long sterigm ata and shortly cylindrioal spermatia.
This differs from the following genus in the generally dicecious
tliallus, and more especially in the absence of paraplivses and in the septate
spores. The apothecia in both genera have the “ pyrenium ” (i. e the
“ p^erithecmm,’] m its former but erroneous acceptation, vide Nyl. Flora
18/5, p. 102) either colourless or slightly dark. In both also the .spermogones
have the appearance of young apothecia.