Ilab, On old palea and firs, very rarely on boulders, in hilly and
inountiniious districts.—Dist)-. General and not uncommon iu S., AV.,
and X. England and the Highlands of Scotlaud ; not .seen from Irelaud.
—B. AI : Between Yarmouth and Caistor, Suffolk ; near St. Leonards
and Ifield, Sussex ; Hay Tor, Devon ; Bardon Hill and Gopsall, Leice.ster-
shire; Oteley Park, Ellesmere, Shropshire: Cwm Bychan, Alerionethshire;
Island of Anglesea ; luglebj'Park, Cleveland, Yorkshire ; Teesdale,
Durham; Ashgill, Cumberland. New Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire;
Glen Falloch, Killin, Ben Lawers, Gleu Lyoii, and Falls of Bruar, Perthshire
; Deerhill AVood and Kinnoul AA’ood, Forfarshire ; Alorrone and Linn
of Quoicb (frt.),Braemar, Aberdeeushire; Glen Nevis, Loch Ennich, and
liothiemurchus AA’oods, Inverness-shire ; Lairg, Sutherlandshire.
5. P. diffusum Nyl. Flora, 1872, p. 247.— Thallus orbicular, apprcssed,
closely adberent, isidioso-rugose in tb e centre, naked and
sinuato-lobed a t th e eircumforenoe, greyish- or brownish-wbite,
beneath pale brown, with a few long rhizinæ ; laciniæ narrow, ap-
planate, multifid, rounded aud crenate a t the apices (K-)-deep yellow,
CaCl“ ). Apotbecia small, snbopaque, reddish-brown, th e margin
crenulate and sorediate ; spores ellipsoid, 0 ,0 0 0 -9 mm. long, 0,005
-6 ram. thick.—Cromb. Jo u ru . Bot. 1872, p. 2 3 4 ; Loight. L ic h .F l.
ed. 3, p. 95.—Parmelia diffusa Gray, Nat. Arr. i. p. 442. Lichen
d iff’asus AA’eb. Spic. F l. Gott. (1778) p. 2oU ; Dicks. Crj-pt. fasc. iii.
17, t. 9. f. 6 ; AV’itb. Arr. ed. 3, iv. p. 32. Parmeliopsis aleurites
(Aoh.), Cromb. Liob. Brit. p. 37. Parmelia aleurites Hook. Fl. Scot.
ii. p. 54 ; Sm. Eng. El. v. p. 203 ; Aludd, Alan. p. 98 ; Leight. Lich.
El. p. 130. Lichen aleurites Eng. Bot. t. 858.—’To this is referable
Parmelia horrescens Tayl. iu Alack. El. Hib. ii. p. 144 pro pa rte (cfr.
Cromb. Grevillea, vii. p. 98).— B r it. Exs. : Leight. n. 4 7 ; Aludd,
n. 71 ; Dicks. Ho rt. Sic. n. 23.
Not unlike Parmeliopsis aleurites Nyl., but the spermogones place it in
this genus. The thallus is often deusely isidiiferous almost throughout,
only the apices of the laciuiæ being naked. I t usually occurs sterile ;
when present the apothecia are elevated and numerous. 'The spermogones
are large, black, marginal and tubercular, with spermatia 0,004 mm. long,
about 0,001 mm. thick.
Hab. On old pales, rarely on stumps of felled trees in wooded lowland
and upland distriets.—Distr. Somewhat local in England, N. AA’a’es, aud
the Highlands of Scotland; rare in S.AA’. Ireland.—B. AI. : Ilenham,
Suffolk ; Penshurst, Kent ; AA'akehurst, Sussex ; Croft Castle and near
Hereford, Herefordshire; near AViudsor, Berkshire; Stoke Park and
Sotterly Park, Buckinghamshire ; Gopsall, Leicestershire ; near Oswestry
and Ellesmere, Shropshire ; Cwm Bychan, Alerionethshire ; Baysdale,
Cleveland, A’orkshire. Barcaldine, Lome, Argyleshire ; Inverarnan and
Crianlarich, Perthshire; Glee Dee, Braemar, Aberdeenshire; Rothiemur-
chus, Inverness-shire. Askew AVood and Dunkerron, co. Kerry.
6. P. Fahlunense Nyl. Syn. i. (1860) p. 309.—Thallus suborbicular,
appresso-imbricate, smootb, laciniate, spadiceo-browuish or
brownish-black, beneath blackish, with a few rhizinæ a t th e c ircumference
; laciniæ narrow, multifid, sinuate, subcanaliculate
CaCl_ ). Apotheoia moderate, brownish-red, the
receptacle externally plicato-rugose, the margin gran u la te ; spores
ellipsoid,0 ,0 0 5 -1 1 mm. long, 0U04-0 mm. thiok.—Cromb. Lich. Brit,
p. 27 ; Leight. Licb. El. p. 101, ed. 3, p. 9.5.— Parmelia Eahlunensis
Acb., Gray, Nat. Arr. i. p. 441 ; Hook. El. Scot. ii. p. 53 ; Sm. Eng. Fl.
V. p. 206 ; Aludd, Alan. qj. 100 pro parte. Lichen Pahlunensis Acb.
Prodr. (1798) p. 1 10 ; Huds. F l. Augl. ed. 2, p. 532 pro p a rte ; Plug.
Bot. t. 653 (descript, non fig.) ; AA’ith . Arr. ed. 3, iv. p. 30 quo parte.
Lichenoides tinctorium atrum, fo liis minimis crispis Dill. AIuso. 188,
t. 24. f. 81.—’i'b e specimens in Herb. Linn, named Lichen FaJilu-
nensis belong to the n e x t species, as do specimens in the He rb aria of
our older authors. To qirevont the greatest confusion I have used
tb e name applied by Acharius to th is p lan t, and by which it has
been usually designated.
Tbe thallus is parmelioid, occasionally somewhat expanded, with the
laciniæ more or less subascending. ’The apotheoia are elevated, at first
urceolate, at length becoming somewhat plane. The spermogones are
frequent, brownish-hlack, in protuberant marginal papillæ, w ith spermatia
slender, elongate, Ü,0Ü5 mm. long, 0,001 mm. thick.
TIab. On rocks and boulders in subalpine aud alpine places.—Distr.
Local and scarce in S., AV., and N, England, and N. AA’ales; more frequent
among the Grampians, Scotland, especially in Braemar ; not seen iu
Ireland.—B. AI. : Hay 'Tor, Dartmoor, Devonshire ; Cader Idris, Alerionethshire
; The Cheviots, Northumberland. Ben Alore and Ben Lawers,
Perthshire ; Clova Alts., Forfarshire ; Lochnagar, Ben Alacdhui, Aberdeenshire
; Beu Nevis, Inverness-shire.
7. P. polyschizum Nyl. Flora, 1862, p. 82 (not.), 1869, p. 442.—
Thallus orbicular, appressed, thiokish, smooth, laciniato-divided,
greyish- or dark-olive-brown, beneath paler or dark ; laoiuiæ short,
narrow’, imbricately crowded, subcanaliculate, slightly elevated at the
margins, and rotundato-erenate a t th e apices (K “ , CaCl“ ). Apothecia
and spores as in th e preceding species.— Cromb. Journ. Bot.
1882, p. 272.
’This might be taken for a panniform condition of P. Fahlunense, with
which it agrees in the form of the spermatia, but it is at once separated
by the absence of any reaction of the medulla. The thallus when moistened
is of a greenish colour, and varies beneath from osseous-white to
dark-spadiceous. In perfect specimens the laciniæ are broader, planer,
and less divided at the extreme circumference. When fertile the apothecia
and spermogones are occasioually numerous and crowded.
Hah. On rocks and boulders iu alpine places.—Distr. Extremely local
aud scarce on one of the higher N. Grampians, Scotland.—B. M. Ben-
nahoord, Braemar, Aberdeenshire.
B. Spermatia ellipsoid. Thallus subascending, closely affixed, sub-
conoolorous ; laoiniæ ra th e r narrow.
8. p. commixtum N}’1. Syn. i. (1860) p. 310, t. 8. f. 33.—Thallus
suborbicular, adqaresso-imbrioato, smooth, laciniate, spadiceous or
spadiceo-browuish, beneath nearly concolorous, with a few rhizinæ