6. Ephebeia Nyl. Thallus monoecious ; gonimia 2 - 4 in oaoh
nodulo r apotheoia in thalline incrassations, w ith constantly simple
spores and distinct paraphyses ; spormogonos with simplish sterigmata
and shortly cylindrical spermatia.
Tribe IV . MAGMOPSEI Nyl. Thallus pyrenopsidkn, _ containing
syngonimia ; gonimia without order : apotheoia peridicine.
7. Magmopsis Nyl. Thallus furfuraoco-squamulose ; syngonimia
glomerulose or granuloso-difform, gonimia moderate : apotheoia
small, with 1 -septate spores ; spermogones no t seen rightly developed.
Family I I . COLLEMACEI Nyl. Thallus tu rg id when moist;
sometimes w ith cortical layer ; gonimia moniliform ; medulla not
Tribe I. LICHINEI Nyl. Thallus frutioulose or radiately laci-
iiiate, or squamuloso-difform ; gonimia elongately moniliform,
suhoonnate : apotheoia leoanorine or lecideine.
8. Lichina Ag. Thallus fruticuloso-oæspitose ; gonimia arranged
chiefly under th e cortical layer : apotheoia leoanorine, terminal,
with simple spores ; spermogones w ith simple sterigmata and oblong
9. Lichiniza Nyl. Thallus squamuloso-difform, w ith subglohose
papillæ ; gonimia moniliform and radiate in th e th allin e globules :
apotheoia lecanorine ?, terminal, w ith simple spores ; spermogones
10. Pterygium Nyl. Thallus radiately laciniate ; gonimia arranged
chiefly under th e cortical layer, usually moniliformly concrete
: apotheoia lecideine, w ith septate spores ; spermogones with
jointed sterigmata and stra ig h t spermatia.
11. Leptogidium Nyl. Thallus frutioulose; gonimia moniliformly
concatenate : apotheoia subbiatorine, w ith simple spores ;
spermogones no t seen rightly developed.
Tribe I I . COLLEMEI Nyl. ThaUus memhranaoeous, lohate,
rarely granulose, siibsquamulose, or frutioulose ; ^ gonimia moniU-
form ; cortical layer distinct or none : apotheoia lecanorine, or
rarely pyrenoearpous.
12. Synalissa F r. Thallus frutioulose or granulose ; gonimia
usually scattered amongst th e filaments ; cortical layer ohsoletely
cellular : apotheoia leoanorino-endooarpoid, w ith simple spores ;
spermogones w ith simplish sterigmata and oblong spermatia.
13. Schizoma Nyl. Thallus lineari-laciniate ; gonimia arranged
chiefly under both surfaces in roundish cells : apotheoia unknown ;
spermogones w ith subsimple sterigmata and pistiUari-baoillar spermatia.
14. Collema Wigg. ThaUus mombranaooo-lobate, rarely granuloso;
gonimia monUiform; cortical layer ab sen t: apotheoia leca-
norme, with multilooular, rarely simple spores ; spermogones with
ma^i simple sterigmata, and stra ig h t sper-
15. Collemodium Nyl. Thallus variously lobed or subfruticulose ;
cortical layer somewhat distiiiot ; gonimia scattered, p a rtly moni-
hlorm : apotheoia leoanorine, ra rely biatorine, w ith variously septate
sporos ; spermogones with jointed sterigmata and stra ig h t spermatia.
16. L ep to g ium Gray. ThaUus mombranaooo-lobate, granulose,
rarely frutioulose ; gonimia usuaUy moniliform ; cortical layer
distinct : apotheoia lecanorine, w ith variously divided, rarely simple
spores ; spermogones with jointed sterigmata and stra ig h t spermatia.
Nyl. Thallus frutioulose, with soUd axis,
branches covered with minute leprarioid laoinise, containing gonimia
: irutifioation unknown.
18. Collemopsis Nyl. Thallus granulato-areolate, glaucous-green
within ; gonimia suhmoniliform : apotheoia leoanorine or pseudo-
pyrenocarpous, w ith simple spores ; spermogones with simpUsh
sterigmata and oblong spermatia.
H I . PY R E N ID IE I Nyl. ThaUus fibriUose, gonimia moni-
hform ; cortical layer distinct : apotheoia pyrenoid.
19. P y ren id ium Nyl. ThaUus steUato-divided, cortical layer
eeUular : apotheoia innate, w ith 3-septate spores ; spermogones un-
Family I I I . LICHENACEI Nyl. ThaUus no t gelatinous,
witii a gonidial, ra re ly gonimic layer ; medulla more or less distinct.
Series I . E P IO O N IO D E I Nyl. Apotheoia w ith the spores a t
length usually naked and pulverulent on th e ir surface.
Tribe I . CALICIEI Nyl. ThaUus horizontaUy expanded, sometimes
none : apotheoia stipitate, oapituliform or sessile.
20. S p h in c trin a F r. ThaUus none proper : apotheoia subsessile,
globoso-turbinate, hlaok, w ith simple blackish spores ; spermogones
With simple sterigmata and arcuate spermatia.
I ’®!'®- Thallus granuloso-pulverulent : apotheoia
stipitate, globoso-turbinate, black, with simple or 1 -septate, hrownish-
biaek spores; spermogones w ith simplish sterigmata and oblong
spermatia. °
22. Stenocyhe Nyl. ThaUus obsolete : apotheoia stipitate, tu r-
binato-olavate, black, with normally 3-septate, blackish spores, not
in a mass ; spermogones not rig h tly known.