S. Grampians, Scotland (where it is plentiful) ; rare in N.E. Ireland.—
B. M. : Buxton Dale, Derbyshire ; Whernside and Guisboro’ Moor, Cleveland,
Yorkshire ; Teesdale, Durham ; near Kendal, Westmoreland. Ein-
larig, Killin, near Tummel Bridge and Craig Tulloch, Perthshire. Glen-
arilt; CO. Antrim.
4. S. b isp o ra Nyl. Syn. i. (1860) p. 331, t. 8. f. 4 2 .—Thallus
orbicular, somewhat small, subcoriaceous, subsmooth, lobato-divided,
pale-greyish or brownish-green, wh ite-pruinose ; beneath white,
spongioso-tomentose, with long scattered rhizinæ ; lobes rounded or
incised and somewhat crenate a t th e margius. Apothecia urceolato-
depressed, small or moderate, brown or dark-brown, immarginate ;
spores 2næ, reddish brown, ellipsoid, 0 ,0 6 5 -8 8 mm. long, 0 ,0 3 3 -
42 mm, thick.—Stirt. Grevillea, ii. p. 60 ; Cromb. Jo u rn . Bot. 1874,
p. 147 ; Leight. Lich. Fl. cd. 3, p. 107.
This differs from S. saccata in the white-pruinose thallus, the two-spored
thecæ, and the much larger spores. The tliallus is also rather smaller,
ofteu somewhat rugulose, and thicker; and the apothecia are usually
smaller. A variety limbata, described iu Nyl. Syn. I. c., which is
analogous to S. spongiosa, has not been detected in Great Britain.
Ilab. On the ground in alpine districts.— Distr. Local and rare on the
S. Grampians, Scotland.—B. M. ; Ben Lawers, Perthshire.
Subtribe I I . P E L T IG E R IN E I Nyl. Flora, 1882, p. 457 ;
1884, p. 219.
Thallus destitute of oephalodia ; gonidial layer consisting of
gonimia. Apothecia and spores variable as in the tribe.
This also contains three
genera—Ncphromium, Peltigera,
and Solorinina—parallel
to those of the preceding
subtribe, except th at the thallus
is gonimiose and without
cephalodia. Solorinina is
Mém. Soo. Cherb. v. (1857)
p. 101 (n o ta ); S3’n. i. (1860)
p. 3 1 8 .—Thallus fragile,
naked or villose beneath,
th e cortical layer there
continuous and nerveless ;
gonidial lay e r w ith the
gonimia usually moniliform.
Apotheoia reuiform, adnate
to the lower surface of the
margin of the thallua, with
th allin e margin ; theoæ clavate
; spores 8næ, ( l ) - 3 -
septate, fusiformi-oblong,
Fig. 60.
Nephromium lævigatum Nyl.—«.
thallus, X 200. b. Two si
Section of
. syngonimia,
X350. c. Theca and paraphysis, x350.
d. Spores, X 600. e. Vertical section of
two spermogones, X 30. /. Sterigmata
and spermatia, xoOO.
usually brownish ; hymenial gelatine bluish with iodine. Spermogones
marginal, pale ; spermatia somewhat incrassate a t either
apex, and obtuse.
Distinguished from the allied genera by the position of the apothecia
and the cortical layer being continuous on the nerveless under surface.
. W hen rhizinæ are present, they are composed of non-fasciculate filaments.
Most of {he European species and varieties occur in this country, though
some of them only very sparingly.
1. N. tom e n to sum Nyl. Mém. Soc. Cherb. v. (1857) p. 101, Syn. i.
p. 319.—Thallus suborbicular, lohate or laciniato-lobate, glabrous or
th in ly tomentose, livid-glaucous or livid-chestnut or lurid-brown ;
beneath pale, villose (medulla w hite, K — ). Apothecia moderate, tes-
taoeo-red, or reddish-brown, the receptacle crenulato-unequal and
villose a t hack ; spores colourless or brownish, 0 ,0 2 0 -2 4 mm. long,
0,006—7 mm. thick.—Carroll, Jo u rn . Bot. 1865, p. 288 ; Cromb.
Lich. Brit. p. 2 8 ; Leight. Lich. F l. p. 105, ed. 3, p. 99.—Peltigera
tomentosa Hoffm. Deutsoh. F l. ii. (1795) p. 108. Nephromu resu-
p in a ta Gray, N at. A rr. i. p. 426 ; Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. p. 61 ; Sm. Eng.
F l. V. p . 216.
Readily distinguished by the villosity of tbe under surface of the
thallus. The upper surface also is not unfrequently thinly tomentose, and
sometimes also more or less sorediate, though these characters do not
appear in our few British specimens. Tlie apothecia are somewhat numerous,
and the spermogones, whioh are occasionally present, have the spermatia
0,005-6 mm. long, 0,0015 mm. thick.
Ilab. On the trunks of old trees in rocky upland situations.—-Dfsfo-. Very
local and rare, on the N. Grampians, Scotland.—B. M. : Craig Cluny,
Braemar, Aberdeenshire.
Subsp. N. ram eum Nyl. ea; Norrl. Medd. Sallsk. F . ct Fl. Fenn. i.
(1876) p. 18.— Thallus smaller, th inner, somewhat broadly lobed,
glaucous, lobules appressed, expanded ; the under surface pale, villose,
w ith white papillæ (pseudocyphellæ). Apotheoia smaller.—
Nephromium tomentosum var. rameum Leigbt. Licb. Fl. p. 106, ed. 3,
p. 100. Nephroma rameum Schær. Enum. (1850) p. 18, t. ii.
fig. 3.
The more or less pseudo-cyphellate under surface (the papillæ usually
being numeruusj gives this the rank of a subspecies. The apothecia are
smaller, but internally similar to those of the type. There are no spermogones
on tlie only Bi'itish specimen I have seen.
Hah. On the branches of old trees (birches) in wooded upland districts.
—Distr. Extremelv local and rare on the N. Grampians, Scotland, in
Braemar and ( / ( * Leight. I. c.) Forfarshire ; not observed in recent years.
—B. M. : Near Invercauld, Braemar, Aberdeenshire.
2. N. læ v ig a tum Nyl. Mém. See. Cherb. t. v. (1867) p. 101,
Syn. i. p. 320.—Thallus suborbicular, rotundato-lobed, smooth,
subopaque, sinuato-creuate a t th e margins, chestnut- or livid-
brown ; beneath glabrous and slightly rugulose, pale (medulla