wall; Ty Gwyn, Dolgelly, Alorionelhshiro, Toiigliiiicl, Kirkciidbriglit-
•sliire ; Darciildiiio, Lome, Argylesliire. Askew AVood and Hyde’s
Cottage, Killarney, co. Kerry.
45. LOBARINA Nyl. Flo ra 1877, p. 233.—Thallus broadly
lobed, sorobiculoso ; bouoatb p a rtly tomentose, gibbous, eoyphellate ;
gonidial layer consisting of gonimia. xlpothcoia Icoauoroid, with
3 -septate spores. Spermogones as in tho preceding genus.
Formerly included under Stictina, but separated because the thallus is
serobiculose above, and destitute of cyphellæ beneath. I t consists of a
single species common with us, as it is in most parts of Northern
1. L. scrobiculata Nyl. Flora 1877, p. 233.—Thallus dilated,
rigid, subopaquo or opaque, more or less reticulately serobiculose,
usually sprinkled with whitish or cæsio-whito soredia, broadly
lobed, glauoous-yollowish ; beneath gibboso-unoiiual, tomentose, palc-
brown, th e gibbi naked, white ; lobes rounded, undulate and more
or less crenate a t th e margins. Apothecia small, scattered, red or
brownish-rod, the margin thick, entire, inflexed ; spores fusiform,
3-7-septato, colourless, 0 ,0 5 0 -8 0 mm. long, 0 ,0 0 6 -7 mm. th ick .—
Cromb. Grovillea, xv. p. 76.—Stictina scrobiculata Nyl. in Cromb.
Lioh. Brit. p. 30 ; Leight, Lich. Fl. p. 117, cd. 3, p. 110. Sticta
scrobiculata Gray, Nat. Arr. i. p. 430 ; Hook. F l. Soot. ii. p. 59 ;
Eng.^Fl. p. 2 0 6 ; Tayl. in Mack. F l. Hib. ii. p. 1 5 1 ; Mudd, Alan,
p. 87, t. 1. f. 26. Lichen scrobimdatus, Soop. Fl. Cam. (1772)
p. 384 ; Lightf. Fl. Scot. ii. p. 850 ; AVith. Arr. ed. 3, iv. p. 59 ;
Eug. Bot. t. 497. Lichen verrucosus Huds. Fl. Angl. ed. 2, p. 545.
Lichenoides pidmoneum villosum, superficie scrobiculata et peltata
Dill. AIuso. 216, t. 29. f. 114. Lichenoides arboreum foliosmn cinereum
et sinuatum, inferne scabrum Bill, in Hay Syn. od. 3, p. 75,
n. 77.— B rit. Exs. : Leight. n. 201 ; Mudd. n. 65 ; Larb. Cæsar.
n. 14, Lioh. Hb. n. 325 ; Cromb. n. 36.
A well-marked species, not likely to be confounded with any other in
the tribe. In young plants tbe thallus is orbicular, less serobiculose and
sorediate. The lobes are occasioually more or less wliite-sorediate,
at the margins. The naked gibbi of ‘the underside of the thallus are
due to the faveolæ of the upper surface ; and the rhizinæ which
constitute the tomentum are brown, pale, or greyish. In tliis country it
is rather rare in a fertile condition. Alore frequently the apothecia
appear in an abortive state, constituting the host of C'elidium stic-
tarum, Tub
Hab. On the trunks of old trees and on moist shady rooks, chiefly near
streams and lakes in maritime and upland districts.—Histr. General and
common in most parts of Great Britain ; plentiful in the AA’. Highlands,
Scotland, apparently rare in S. and AV. Ireland, aud in the Channel
Islands.—B. AI. : La Coupe, Island of Jersey; Jerhourg, Island of
Guernsey. Tuubridge AA’ells and Lydd, Kent ; Hastings, Sussex ; Quarii
AVood, Ryde, Isle of AVight; New Forest, Hants; South Brent, Ivv
Bridge, and Dewerstone Rock, Devonshire ; Helminton, Liskeard, Tre-
giuvn, near the Tavy and Lamorna, Cornwall ; Bryer Island, Scilly ;
Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire ; Alalvern, AVorcestershire ; Hay Ooppice
Leicestershire ; Cader Idris, near Dolgelly, and Barmouth, Alerion-
ethsliire ; Iveinw and Bettws-y-Coed, Denbighshire ; Island of Anglesea;
Oggeray Gill, Cleveland, near Halifax and Castle Howard, Yorkshire •
ieesdale, Durliam ; Alardale, AVestmoreland ; Keswiek and Calder Abbey
Cumberland; Cheviots, Northumberland. New Gallowav Kirkcud?
brightslure; Beld Craig, Mofiat, Dumfriesshire; Turfin Hill,’near Edinburgh
; Bowling Bay, Dumbartonshire ; near Inverary, head of Loch Awe,
and Barcaldine Argyleshire ; Loch Katrine,.Pass ¿f Leny, Loch Conn
Glen Lochay, Iinlarig, Killin, Perthshire; Reeky Linn; Eorfarshire
Eraig Coinnoch and Invercauld, Braemar, Aberdeenshire ; Glen Nevis and
b of ho rt AA illiam, Inverness-shire ; Hill of the Doon, Nairn, Alorav-
shire. Castlebernard, co. Cork ; Aluekross, Killarney. oo Kerry ■ Kyle-
iiiore aud uear Renvyle, Connemara, co. Galway. ' J ’ .
Subtribo I I . E U S T IC T E I Nyl. Flo ra 1870, p. 360.
Thallus either cyphellate or eoyphellate boiioath ; gonidial layer
consisting of gonidia or gonidimia. Apothecia lecanoroid or p a rmeleine.
Separated from Stictinei by tbe nature of the gonidial layer. In otlier
respects the two are very similar, several of tlieir species being clistiu-
guishahle from each other only by the gonidia.
46. LOBAEIA Hoffm. Deutsch. F l. ii. (1795) p. 138 pro min
p a ite ; Nyl. emend. Flora, 1877, p. 233.—Thallus laciniato-divided
serobiculose ; beneath p a rtly rliiziuoso-tomontoso (with rhizohyphæ),
gibberoso-unequal, eoyphellate; gonidial layer consisting of true
gomdia,^ b right-green or y olio wish-green. Apothecia leoanoroid,
with 1-3-septato sporos ; spermogones as in the preceding genera.
_ This has the same relation to Sticta th at Loharina has to Stictina and
IS similarly distinguished by the serobiculose upper, and the ecyphàlate
lower surlace of the thallus. I t includes a very few species.
^ 1. L. pulmonaria Hoffm. Deutsch. Fl. ii. (1795) p. 146; Cromb.
Grevillea, xv. p. 76.—Thallus dilated, rigid, somewhat shinin» or
subopaque, retieulato-foveolate, laciniato-lobed, often sorediiferous
sometimes isidiiferous, olive-greeii when moist, pale cervine ol
lurid-hrown when dry ; lobes sinuato-lobulate, retuso-trunoate a t the
apices ; ben ea th bullato-unequal or papular, whitish, between the
papillæ oohraceo-testaoeous and rhizineo-tomentose. Apotheoia
moderate, submarginal, red, th e margin often ruguloso-crenate, concolorous,
a t length excluded; spores 1-3-septate, 0,018-3o’mm
long, 0,005-9 mm. tk ïc k .— Stieta pulmonaria E o o k. F l. Soot ii'
p. 58 ; Sm. Eng. FI. v. p. 206 ; Tayl. in Alack. F l. Hib. ii. p. 151 !
Cromb. Grevillea, iii. p. 82. Lichen pidmonarms Linn. F l. Suec.
P- 449 ; Lightf. F l. Soot, ii!
p. 8 3 1 ; AA ith ed. 3, iv. p. 5 4 ; Eng. Bot. t. 572. Sticta
gmlmonacea Ach. Gray, Nat. Arr. i. p. 430 ; Aludd, Alan, p 87 t 1
f. 25 ; Cromb. Lioh. Brit. p. 31 ; Leight, Lioh. F l. p. 118, cd.' s!
p. i n . Lichenoides pulmoneum retieulatum vulqare, m a ’rqinihul
peltiferis Dill. Muse. 212, t. 29. f. 113. Lichenoides peltatum arbo-
I ,• I.;