lin, isle 01 w i^ n t; w einuiiry, ijevonsiiire ; iietir i eii/ottiict;, v.vuiuwtnij
Harmoutli, Merionethshire ; Island of Anglesea ; Isle of Man; Stavely,
Westinnrelaiul. Loch Ureran, Argyleshire; King’s Park, Stirling.
Mizeu Head, CO. Cork.
fl. isid ia sc en s Nyl. Flora, 1875, p. 8.— Thallus more or less
siiriiikled with olive-brown verriicooform isidia, which become whitisli-
sorodiate a t tb e apices; otherwise as in the type.—Cromb. Grevillea,
X . p. '25.— Brit. Exs. : Leight. n. 291 pro p a rte ; liobl. u. 109 pro
AVell clinracterized by the often crowded aud at length thickish isidia,
whicli sometimes nearly cover the thallus, and give it an almost panniform
appearance. I t is rarely seeu fertile, the apothecia beiug but few,
with the margin sometimes rugose with isidia.
Huh. Ou rocks and boulders in maritime and upland districts.—Distr.
Local and scarce in the Channel Islands, S. Fngland, N. Wales, and
Central Scotland.—15. AI. : Chateau Point, Island of Sark, Near Penzance
and Helminton, Cornwall ; B innouth, Alerionethshire ; Island of
Anglesea ; I.sle of Alan. King’s Park, Stirling.
25. P. fu lig in o s a Nyl. Flora, 1868, p. 346.—Thallus orbicular or
suborbicular, membranaceous, apyiressed, laciniato-lobed, umliriiie-
badious or olive-black, fuligiiioso-furfuraoeous or black-isidiosc, boneatb
blackish, sparingly fibrillose ; lobes plane, crenate (K _ ;
CaCl]]j,ejq). Apothecia small or moderate, scattered, pale- or d a rk -
brown, th e margin thickish, slightly crenulate ; spores 0 ,0 0 9 -1 2 mm.
long; 0 ,0 0 5 -6 mra. thick.— Cromb. Lich. Brit. p. 36 ; Leigbt. Liob.
Fl. p. 134, ed. 3, p. 123.—Parmelia oUvarea Yar. f uliginosa F r. in
Dub. Bot. Gall. (1830) p. 602. Parmelia olivácea y. furfuracea
Schær., Aludd, Alan. p. 100. Lichenoides olivaceum, seutellis loevihus
Dill. Muse. 182, f. 77 b .
Readily recognized by the peculiar black, setuloso-papillose isidia,
which are sometimes so dense as to cover the whole thallus and obliterate
the lobes, except at the immediate circumference ; otherwise suHieientlv
separated from the preceding species by the chemical reaction of the
medulla with CaCl. The apothecia are rare in this country, especially on
saxicole specimens, and the spermogones are very rarely visible.
Ilab. On rocks aud walls, also on old pales, rarely on trees, in maritime
and upland districts.—Distr. Probably general, tliough not common, in
the mountainous regions of Great Britain and Ireland.—B. AI. ; Penzance
and near St. Breock, Cornwall ; Herefordshire Beacon, Alalvern, Worcestershire
; Borthwyiiog, near Dolgelly and Rhewgreidden, Alerionethshire ;
Eettws-y-Coed, Denbighshire ; Hauglimond Hill and Stiperstones, Shropshire
; near Aytou, ATorkshire; Stavely, Kendal, AA’estmoreland. New
Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire; Gleu Lochay and Blair Athole, Perthshire;
Glen Shee, Forfarshire; Portlethen and Durris, Kincardlne.shire ;
Hill of Ardo, near Aberdeen, and Castleton of Braemar, Aberdeenshire ;
near Abernethy, Elgin. Near Cork; Dawros River, Connemara, co.
A’ar. fl. lætevirens Nyl. Bull. Soo. Linn. Normand, vi. 1872,
p. 272.— Thallus orbicular or effuse, greonish-olive or greenish-
brown, more or less covered with concolorous isidia (medulla CaCl-t-
rcd). Apotbecia and spores as in tb e type.— Cromb. Grevillea, x.
p. 26.— Imhricaria olivácea y. lætevirens Flot. Lich. Sil. (1829)
n. 90. Parmelia fu lig in o sa f. olivácea Leigbt. Lioh. Fl. ed. 3, p. 123.
Parmelia Borreri f. olivácea Loight. Lioh. Fl. ed. 2, p. 479.
Though differing iu the colour of the thallus and of the isidia, the
reaction of the medulla shows that this is only a variety of P. fuliginosa.
States occur in which there is scarcely any trace of isidia (form denudata
Cromb., probably referable tosub.sp. glahratula Lamy, as in Grevillea, xv.
p. 7 5 ) . In herbaria specimens the isidia often become abraded, rendering
the thallus white-punctate. The apothecia are not uncommon, but the
spermogones are rarely seen.
Hab. On old trees and pale.s, rarely on walls, in maritime and upland
districts.—Distr. Local and scarce in E. and N. England, N. AVales, the
Highlands, Scotland,. and N.AA’. Ireland.—B. AI. : Hopton, Suffolk ;
Bettws-y-Coed, Denbighshire ; near Dolgelly and Rhewgreidden, Alerionethshire
; Devil’s Bridge, Cardiganshire ; Kendal and Levens Park,
AVestmoreland ; Keswicli, Cumherland. Appin and head of Loch Awee,
Argyleshire ; Loch Ard and Glen Lochay, Perthshire ; Durris, Kincar-
diue.shire ; Alorrone, Braemar, Aberdeenshire. Denyclare and near Kylemore,
CO. Galway.
26. P. stygia Aoh. Aleth. (1803) p. 203.—Tballus orbicular,
appressed, somewhat shining, smooth, imbricate, olive-brown or
blaekisb ; beneath pitcli-blaok, paler a t the margins, w ith b u t few
rhizinæ ; laoiniæ sublinear, palmato-multifid, convex, incurved at tbe
apices ( K / , CaClZ). Apothecia moderate or somewhat large, sub-
concolorous, th e margin granulato-crenate ; spores 0 ,0 0 8 -1 0 mm.
long, 0 ,0 0 6 -7 mm. thiok.—Gray, Nat. Arr. i. p. 441 ; Hook. Fl.
Soot. ii. p. 54 ; Sm. Eng. El. v. p. 202 ; Aludd, Alan. p. 100 ; Cromb.
Lioh. Brit. p. 35 ; Loight. Lich. Fl. p. 124, ed. 3, p. 116.—
Lichen sti/gius Linn. Sp. IT. (1753) p. 1143 ; Dicks. Crypt, faso. iii.
p. 16 ; AVith. Arr. cd. 3, iv. p. 30 ; Eng, Bot. t. 2048.—B r it. Exs. :
Dicks. H o rt. Sio. n. 25 pro parte.
Somewhat resembles Platysma Fahlunense, but distinguished by the
form of the laciniæ, the character of the spermogones, and the absence of
medullary reaction with K. I t is generally fertile, though the apothecia
are rather scattered and not numerous. The spermogones, which are
frequent, are immersed, with spermatia 0,005 mm. long, 0,001 mm. thick,
constricted in the middle and somewhat obtuse at the apices.
Hah. On rocks and boulders, granitic and quartzose, in subalpine and
alpine regions.—Distr. Local aud rare, being confined to a few of the
higher Grampians, Scotland.—B. AI. ; Ben Alore, Perthshire ; Lochnagar,
Ben-nahoord and Ben Alacdhui, Braemar, Aberdeenshire ; Ben Nevis, Inverness
27. P. alpicola F r. fil. Nov. xAo. Hog. Soc. So. Upsal. (1861)
p. 157.—Thallus orbicular or expanded, somewhat appressed and
adnate, subopaque, blackish-olive or d a rk -g re y ; beneath very black.