51. NephromiHHi Nyl. ThaUus with th e cortical layer continuous
on th e lower su rfa c e : apotheoia marginal, adnate to th e
undersido of th e thaUus, w ith septate spores ; spermogones with
jo in ted sterigmata and apicaUy incrassate and obtuse spermatia.
52. Peltigera WiUd. ThaUus with th e cortical layer no t continuous
on th e lower surface : apotheoia marginal on th e upper
surface of th e thaUus, w ith septate sporos ; spermogones unknown.
Tribe X V I. PHYSCIEI Nyl. Thallus steUato-orbicnlar, rarely
frutioulose, inte rn ally w ith woolly meduUa; gonidial layer consisting
of tru e g o n id ia : apotheoia lecanorine.
53. Physcia Sohreb. ThaUus laciniate or lohed, more or less
fibriUoso-rhizinose b e n e a th ; apotheoia usuaUy w ith biloonlar spores:
spermogones with jo in ted sterigmata and oblongo-ojDndrical, rarely
acicular spermatia.
Tribe X V II. GYEOPHOEEI Nyl. ThaUus usuaUy mono-
phyllous, umbilieately affixed, internaUy w ith woolly medulla;
gonidial layer consisting of tru e gonidia : apotheoia sublecanorine or
54. Umhilicaria Hoffm. Thallus monophyUous, naked beneath :
apotheoia sublecanorine, simple, w ith spores solitary or 2n®, murali-
dividod; spermogones with jointed sterigmata and cylindrioal, apicaUy
obtuse spermatia.
55. Gyrophora Ach. ThaUus monophyUous or subpolyphyUous,
naked or rhizinose b e n e a th ; apotheoia lecideine, compound, and
somewhat gyrose, w ith spores 8nie, sim p le ; spermogones as in the
Series V. P L A C O B E I Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous, sometimes
evanescent, rarely h y p o p h k o d a l; meduUary layer not filamentose ;
apotheoia lecanorine, or lecideine, or lireUseform.
Tribe X V I I I . LECANO-LECIDEEI Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous
(sometimes offigurate), ra re ly obsolete or none p ro p e r; gonidial
layer consisting of gonidia, rarely of gonimia : apotheoia leoanorine,
lecideine, or biatorine.
Subtribo I . PA N N A E IE I, Nyl.
layer consisting of gonimia.
ThaUus w ith th e gonidial
56. Pannaria Del. ThaUus squamulose or granulose, rarelv
laciniose: apotheoia leoanorine, with simple spores; spermogones
with jointed sterigmata and cylindrioal s tra ig h t spermatia. °
57. Panmilaria Nyl. Thallus squamulose or g ran u lo se : apotheoia
biatorine or lecideine, with simple or 1 - 3-septate spores ;
spermogones w ith jointed sterigmata and cylindrioal stra ig h t spermatia.
58. Coccocarpia Pers. ThaUus typically monophyUous: apo-
thecia biatorine, adnato, w ith simple spores ; spermogones as in
tho preceding.
59. Leproloma Nyl. Thallus submonophyUo-lohed; cortical
layer a b s e n t; gonidial layer consisting of gonimia : apotheoia and
spermogones unknown.
Subtribe I I . LECANOEEI Nyl. ThaUus normaUy crustaceous ;
gonidial layer consisting of tru e gonidia.
60. Lecanora Ach. ThaUus squamulose, or radiate, or granulose,
rarely leprose or ev an e sc en t; apothecia lecanorine, occasionally
biatoroid, w ith simple, ra re ly septate spores; spermogones with
simple or jointed sterigmata, and variously cyUndrical, stra ig h t, or
arcuate spermatia.
61. Dirina Er. ThaUus crustaceous, continuous or rimu lo se :
apothecia tuberculoso-leoanorine, w ith 3-septate spores; spermogones
with simple sterigmata and acioular, arcuate spermatia.
^ Subtribe I I I . PE E TU SA R IE I Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous, continuous
; gonidial layer consisting of tru e gonidia : apotheoia more
or less enclosed in thaUine vorrucse.
62. Pertusaria DC. ThaUus verrueoso-unoqual or sm oothish:
apotheoia endooarpoid or leoanoroid, w ith largo simple spores;
spermogones with simple sterigmata and acioular, stra ig h t sner-
matia. ^
63. Varicellaria Nyl. ThaUus th in or subleprarioid : apotheoia
subglohose, a t length depressed, variolarioid, with very large
1 -septate sp o re s: spermogones no t ye t seen. °
Subtribe IV. THE LO TE EM EI Nyl. ThaUus crustaceous, continuous
or areolate or p u lv e ru len t; gonidial layer consisting of
tru e g o n id ia : apotheoia urcoolato-impressed, with double margin.
64. Phlyctis WaUr. Thallus th in ly crustaceous or pulverulent •
apotheoia erumpent, rotundato-difform, w ith large mnraU-divided
spores; spermogones with simple sterigmata and short, slender,
stra ig h t spermatia.
65. Thelotrema Ach. ThaUus th in ly crustaceous, continuous :
apothecia a t length open, with a proper and a thalUne margin, and
m u rali-dmded spores; spermogones with simple sterigmata and
short s tra ig h t spermatia.