Subsimilar to tlie precediug species, but differs at once iu the determi-
nately 3-septate and larger spores. At first sight it looks almost like
Itteryyium pannariellmn, but it is uot distinctly radiate at the circumference,
aud is more definitely separated by the presence of a more or less
visible hypothallus. Tlie apothecia are rather scattered and not muiierous
ill the British speciiiieii.s.
Ilah. Oil micaceo-scliistose roclis iu subalpine and alpine regions.—
Distr. Only sparingly among the S. and Central Grampians, Scotland.—
B. M .; Craig Calliach, Beu Laivers, and Craig Tulloch, Perthshire.
0. P. m e la n te ra Cromh. Grevillea, xviii. (1889) p. 44.—Thallus
effuse, diffraeto-squamose, black, beneath bluish-black ; squamules
thiokish, minutely papillose. A]iotheoia small, sessile, plane or
somewhat convex, the margin shining ; spores oblong, 1- 3-septate
or simple, 0 ,0 3 -0 ,0 4 5 mm. long, 0 ,0 0 4 5 -0 ,0 0 5 mm. tliick ; hypothecium
brownish ; hymenial gelatine bluish, the thecæ tawny with
iodine.— Pannaria melantera Stirt. Soot. Nat. 1879, p. 10 ; Leight.
Lich. Fl. ed. 3, p. 544.
Said by Dr. Stirton, I. c., to he similar to P. dolkhotera Nyl., a Scandinavian
plant, but with louger spores. Fvidenth' it would differ also, according
to the diagnosis given, iu the more squamose thallus aud the
distinct hvpotliallus. In the ab.seuce, liorvever, of any specimen, I regard
it as a doubtful species (probably only subsp. P. psotina).
Hah. On mica-schist rocks iu an (?) aljiine situation.—Distr. Found
only on the S. Grampians, Scotland (Beu Lawers, Perthshire).
7. P. c a rn o s a Cromb. Grevillea, xii. (1884) p. 62.—Thallus sub-
dcterminatc, squamuloso-lobcd, livid- or corvine-brown ; lobes
variously divided or crenato-incised, imbricate or ascending and
congested, usually granuloso-creiiate a t th e margins, whitish beneath ;
hypothallus brownish-blaok, evanescent. Apothecia biatorine, small
or slightly concave, reddish-brown or d a rk -red , th e margin paler ;
spores oblong, oblongo-fusiform or rarely ellipsoid, simple or obso-
letely 1-septate, 0,0 1 6 -3 1 mm. long, 0 ,0 0 5 -8 mm. th ic k ; hymenial
gelatine yellow (th e apices of th e thecæ deep bluish) with iodine.—
Pannaria carnosa Leight. Lich. Fl. p. 169, ed. 3, p. 155. Massalongia
carnosa Mudd, Man. p. 126, t. ii. f. 39. Lichen carnosus
Dicks. Crypt, fasc. ii. (1790) p. 21, t. vi. f. 7 ; With. Arr. iv. p. 3 3 ;
Eng. Bot. t. 1684. Pannaria muscorum (Ach.) Cromb. Lich. Brit,
p. 43. Squamaria muscorum Sm. Eng. El. v. p. 194. Lecanora
muscorum Hook. El. Soot. ii. p. 51 ; Tayl. in Mack. El. Hib. ii. p. 139.
Psoroma muscorum Gray, Nat. A rr. i. p. 446.—B r il. Exs.-. Cromb.
n. 1 5 4 ; Leight. n. 393.
Keadily recognized from other Britisli species by the colour of the more
distinctly squamulose thallus and by the variable narrow spores. The
thallus is thinnish, usually spreading someAvliat extensively over the substratum,
but at times smaller, determinate, and bordered hy the hypothallus.
The apothecia are generally small and numerous, sometimes
fewer and moderate, with the spores occasionally ohsoletely brownish.
Hah. Among mosses on rocks and boulders in maritime and mountainous
districts,—Distr. Local, though plentiful, in S.W., W., and N.
England,N. Wales ; more general among the Grampians, Scotland; rare
in E. Ireland.—B. M .; Near South Brent, Devonshire ; Penzance, Cornwall';
Cader Idris, Ifolgeily, Cwm Bychan, and Barmouth, Merionethshire
;Oswestry,Shropshire sture; wswesiry, oiiiui-t'iiirG ,; Teesdale, Durham. Head of Loch Awe,
Argyleshire ; Foot of Ben More, Glen Lochay, and Ben Lawers, Perthshire
; Glen Ey, Braemar, .Aberdeenshire ; hy Locli Linnhe, Lochaber,
Iiiveruess-shire. Kippure Mts., co. Dublin.
Yar. ft. d e te rm in a ta Oromb. Grevillea, xviii. (1889) p. 44 .—
Thallus microphylline, paler, livid, oreuato-lobate. Apothecia small,
th e margin yellow-testacoous ; spores determinately 1 -septate,
brownish, 0 ,0 2 6 -3 6 mm. long, 0 ,0 0 7 -8 ram. thiok.—Pannaria carnosa
var. determinata Leight. Lioh. Fl. p. 169, ed. 3, p. 150. Pannaria
muscorum var. d(4crmiiiaia Nyl. Scand. (1861) p. 128 ; Cromb.
Lioh. Brit. p. 43.
Differs iu the less developed thallus (resulting probably from the habitat)
aud iu the regularly septate, Larger, brownish spores, which sometimes
present several spurious septa.
Hah. Ou moist soil in upland districts.—DisO-. Apparently very local
aud rare in N.E. Ireland.—B. M.: Carnlougli, co. Antrim.
8. P. d e lic a tu la Nyl. ex Cromb. Jo u rn . Bot. 1882, p. 274.—
Thallus th in , adnate, minutely granuloso-orustaoeous, brown. Apotheoia
biatorine, small, somewhat convex, immarginate, brownish-
hlack (reddish when m oist); spores fusiformi-vermicular, stra ig h t
or substraight, 7 -9-septate, 0 ,0 4 0 -7 6 mm. long, 0 ,0 0 5 -7 mm. th ick ;
paraphyses yellowish-brown a t the clavate apices, hypothecium
colourless ; hymenial gelatine (and tho theoæ) bluish w ith iodine.—■
Pannaria delkatida Nyl. Sallsk. pro F . et Fl. F. Forh. v. (1866)
1). 181. Arctomia delicatula F r. fil. N. Act. Beg. Soc. So. Upsal.
(1861) p. 387.
A minute but very distinct species, well characterized by the peculiar
spores. The thallus is more or less adnate, closely appressed to the substratum,
and scarcely visible except in wet weather. The apothecia,
which, though small, are large in proportion to the size of the^ granules,
are either scattered or crowded, and when moistened are of a bright wine-
red colour. Originally included hy Th. M. Fries among the Collemacei, it
is entirely referable to this genus.
Hah. On decayed mosses in alpine situations.—D/sir. Extreniely local
and scarce among the S. Grampians, Scotland, and {Jide Nyl. in litt.) on
the Mts. of N.W. Ireland (Connemara, Galway).—B. JI. : Ben Lawers,
58. COCCOCARPIA Pers. in Gaudich. Voy. Uran. (1826) p. 206 ;
Nyl. Syn. ii. p. 41.—Thallus monophyUous or submonophyllous,
lobato- or laciniato-divided a t the circumference. Apotheoia biatorine,
a d n a te ; spores ellipsoid or oblong, simple, sm a ll; hymenial
gelatine variously tinged with iodine. Spermogones with short,
cylindrioal spermatia.
Intimately allied to Pannaria, but difiers in the type of the thallus and