up and down Rio Cottica, between the Society polls, La CHAP.
Rochel at Patamaca, and Slans Welveren above the VIL
lafl: plantation, to prevent the rebels from eroding the
river, to feize or kill them if poffible, and protect the
eftates from their invafions r. in all which operations I
Was to be.affifted, if neceffary, by the troops of the Society,
on the above pofts, with whom I was alfo to deliberate
on the; proper fignals to be given in cafe of an
alarm. ,
Having now time and opportunity, I vifited the fortrefe
called New AmRerdam. j
This fortification was began in the year 1734, and
finilhed in 1747. It is built in the form of a regular pentagon,
with liye baftions, being about three Englifh
miles, im circumference, furrounded by a broad fofle,
which is fupplied from, the river, and defended by a covert
way* well palifadoed. Its foundations are a kind , of
rocky ground; and its principal ftrength by water a
large bank of mud off the point, fupported by a ftrong
battery of cannon,, which prevents even flat-bottomed
veflels from making any approach in that quarter; and
by eroding the fire of the "guns with the oppofite redoubts,
Leyden and Purmerent, it protects the entry of
both rhe.rivers, Surinam , and Gomewiaa, as I have faid
before : ft has, belides, powder-magazines and viRualling-
offices, and is well provided with all the other neceffary
buildings for the ufe of a ftrong garrifon. There ar®
even a corn^windmill,. and. a ciftern which will hold