i a N A R R A T I V ; ? o f a n
CH-a p . OYery.oner °f m y t h e yard*
■-|e arm
‘ " have related, hadit not proveda ygry great inconvenience,
hy debarring^me
particularly fince the whole Chip’s company^ officers in-?
eluded, lived on fafc ppptvife%n alone, a jig. fplii acauptq
of lean iheep ^ c ^ j^ ^ w h o f e legs, h*dt beea broken;
by th e j»lbflgjuyl pitching^-the; yeffel^i This manner
pf living on falt-beef,, po rk ,,and-,,peas^Jjkf.; c ^m o n .
failors,, was. introduced by . our commander in ^hfef, in
order to. enure us (he laid) to fuch food as we ^er^likely I
to -be alone fupplied with in thewoods-of Surinam-j and?
froan the, ggnsxous^ motive yqf regaling his* i^nericam
friends with European refrelhmeats—bach aalive.lhqep,
hogs, fowls, ducks, bacon banns, bullocks, <tc£tgu%.v .pre-*
ferved vegetables, pickles, fpaees^&c. all of' wbickwerq
prqvided by the town qf Amfierdam impfOjf^fioa. riBufc
good^ntentions do not always; meet with'their, uefmds ?
fince the 'wprms, without any one’s perm tffeb,/laid djold
of the greateft part of the dead flock for themfclves
who were, fora punifhment, together with their plunder,
thrown overboard into the ocean/ , Let me. add, that instead
of plate, our meals were frequently ferved up in
finall wooden tubs of not the moft cleanly appearance,
and only once a day ; which negligence, however, I am
willing' to impute to Monfmtr haurant, the' qol©ipl$;
Trench valet,-de- ohambre. 'lb ftiort, -the' fcurvyr and
other loathfome diforders began to make their, appeaaH
ance; dejection and low~lpirits took place throughout the
i lhip,
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