G H A.P. are feafoning to the climate, or -during their dangerous
Wk and fatiguing duty in the w$>©ds and fwamps. Refides
this numbes, a,remforc^m^iyt,of fth ree-h ^d red moije
was now Cent them from tfb^tto wn; o f Amftevdam; but
-of thefe -poor wretches’ fea^eely -fifty were landed,
Service; th e remainder, owing to -the, inhurrianaty ;n f theirr
leader, Mr, N ^ h aY i^p art^ p ated in ^ fa tg little -letter
than t-hat o%the. poor African pegpeis in the veffel of
th e inhuman C apt ain who,, in I7§7<5
132 living Haves kito the fea to perifh. The unhappy,
creatures,, under the command of Mr. N. were ftarved
and tormented by unneedlary feveji^ \u an(d his, lieute-.
nant, unable to continue a witne^ojf thje, ty^^fiical p ^
nhhments he inflicted, leaped frpm ^ rc ^ n ,w ^ o w , ;
and terminated his.^xiftence« ^
Xhe military in Surinam are ooi^cifed pf: ^
good and experienced,officers^and .well inured, fQqthe..
fervice, h u t'fo r their private-men I c a n n o t.^ , mncji;
they are,, in fa£t, little better than theoutgafo^of ^1 -n^-.
tionst they are, o f all age% feapfify. sM**®;
by chance wafted together from all the ? differ exit corn^rs^
of the globe. Notwithftanding this, however,. it; has
often been found that they, behave
have on many different occasions, by their bravery,; been
of infinite fervice tothis fettlement *.
Here is alfo a fmall corps of artillery, being part of the
* A corps of 'European chaXfeurs, -or 'nfle-men, was fuice added to thefe troops,
after tie manner ef the light itifantryin England, ‘ :
twelve hundred, which11 mult acknowledge to be a very
fihre ‘company'in all refpedh. As what they pleafe
to; calf their militiay they are, ai few'geatlemen e-xeepted,.
who’command theth/To, ftrahgfe 'ai eollfe&ion of ill-dif-
ciplined rabble^ that they can fcarcbly be mentioned as
fightihg^tefenv,' 3)
With refpteét to the :new-raifed jeërps o f maritnoitted
Haves*, though in number they, amountéd but to three
hundred', they- Sn'dfe proved' ultimately - ó f as- much
fervifee-h# the as! all' the others^put;^ g i h e r * .
Thefe men wete- alb and -in: general Rout
abtei young folio Ws^Cefe&ea? fro n t th e 'W e reb t plantations,
thö'öVa®«: of w^otórifedëi^éd^r tib a r tè d t folk
vahie -inj money,. "Nbnel fwere accepted hut" rhëfe<who
weri .deputed-’ to.fceubf- un’exnepöoriabfe-chara^er. Ü It
muR, 'hawèïrói, -be obferved,- that what we EurdpèansT
was, by the-A&icbhs* lèefeed-ond,
as detefhble,. particular^ by %Qfe ^ in the woodsy
wehbfe oiiiy^rtme.Conrthfed iu veveogin^ w k wrongs
done m m m fiyr^fathgtsr J-hève-Wh t e ’eeuter^ wit^
tfeêfc* èhfranchifed
Raves , to -^ e Europeans* < W M b -Valbih- ;
again R the rebel;negroes. - £
Their i chief dead ér s wedtórefe ©4*fimr wfciteunSn, called
t&'smka fch-éy^ thé; •