pro^fiofliS, wliifih. began daily to get k©th worfe and
Timeo Danasos et dona ferentes»
The receipt ; of fuch unwelcome . intelligence
the whole crew declare they were facrifiped no
manner of purpofe; white the negroes fighed, pro-
pouncing the words, 4UjJ pofy b&ckeral■ sOfeC f: poor Eiwo-
peans ï By the diftribution however of a few tamarinds»
oranges* lemons» and, Madeira wine, which were by this
opportunity fent me by my heft friend at Paramaribo, ï
found means to impart, not only to my óEeers, bnt abb
to nay drooping foldiers,, feme relief.. But. thisvcheering
fun-fhine could not laft long : and the day following we
were as much diftreflèd as ever, when I had ©ace • more
recouffe to the nimble inhabitants of the foreift, and
brought down two monktes With my gun from the to p
of the mangroves, where they were fporting in docks
confiding of fome hundreds.
On the n th , I fent two men fick to the hofpital, and
the fame evening we again heard the drums. ..On the
follq^ing (day, at nopn, we wèrejdidmhed, by a hurii»-
cane; the Charoa broke looffe from her anchors, and was
driven, afhpre, her upper works being terribly damaged
by the dumps of trees, 84c. that hung over the river,
while the water from the clouds broke in upon us like a
torrent, and I expe&edno lefs than,a flfipwreck.
a On
On the 15th the other officer, Lieutenant Baron ,:c h a p .
Owen, came down fick from the Gerber us* and at his
requed I ventured to fchd him- down to Paramaribo. I
imsw received another letter from Colonel Eourgeoucf,
with a little money for fhemeft to pmchafe refrefhments,
Wheife nothing W ^to be met with : but hot a word in*
timatihg that We Were to be relieved.
■ Om ffid1 20th r redefyed a<:repbrt, that the Cerberus,
having only four private men left, hadr retired to the pod
a* LaRbchele; and, oh fhe.zrfb I fbnt twcMjf my men
m m aiflSdahce, ;and omered her back to ber former
I Was"ibyrelf m laft a b a te d 1 With a fever, and
Upon the Whole felt myfelf in a truly didreffed condition
^deprived1 by ficknefs of my two only oflfcers, and
my My men Upon the“tl^ee-ffations'(^. the
two Barge's bid DeviPs Mar War together)' melted down to'
fifteen,' from ibe number of foriy*two, Without a fur*
gson1,-' ■ fiirroundaf with a black fored,
arid* rexpofed; to- the mercy of rbfentlefs enemies$ who'
mud he fbrrriidable indeed*, ffiould they be informed by
any means of our defenefclefs fituation. The remaining
few were* ‘with truth, declaring - they were doomed to
deftru&ionidfbmtfch, that th d f could with difficulty
be prevented from mutiny, and1 from proceeding down
the river Gottfca with the Charon againfbmy orders i
E6r my1 own part, I* was not* altogether free from un-
ie'afinefs. In fa£t, a few troops from all quarters' ought
y 1 to