The t f wf t j i e s e - t h e m amoagft'the troops
fo lo ^ « , Thelföremoft. acegeherally. two negroes,
with bilbhcipks |o cut. at w a ^ % h sto make a practicable
path, witmone corporal and' two meh to -reconnoitre1 the
front, and, in-cafe; of- neeeffity, to. give the alarm;- and
then eperhahaitern^ fix privafeBjrahé'a^ri),0^?: form the
y a ^ Then follows, at feme, difebèif, .the.corps in two
divifions; in the firit, oriècdptam,' ónë co^öraii .twelve
privates, one. furgeon, and two negroes to carry«,-the*
powder; in the fecond, is,one- ferjeant and twelve, privates;
and. then again follows, at fomedifeaoce^the rear
guard, cónfiftibg of one fubaltern, oijg «feijfeajïty one
corporal, and eighteen; privates, with fixteen ?n®g®oes
to carry the medicines, beef; bread,- fpades,'1 axes,- rum,
See»-; the fiefe alfo are cisried. -Thè'. Ihffë :1 ^ ófraïi
being one corporal and two. men at a defence,., to
give the alarm in cafe; o f ah attach, as the others had
orders to; do in the front, which ends the train; jj
Every thing: being ready, according to, the, -above
rules, for my final] party, which confided b f myffdf,
an. officer of the Society, Mr. Hertfbergh, i
mate, one guide, two ferjeants, ;twih corporals; forty
privates, and: only eight; negro feyes- to cut open
the paflage* and carry the baggage, we . faced to the
right af fix o’clock in the morning,, and feffied forth
into the woods, keeping, our courfe direótly for the
Perica river ; and haying marched till about eleven
o’clock, on the Cordon, I difeovered, as I hadexpeéted,
^efejrezLces* to the a b o v e M a r c& ,
|| 1 Two JVeprdgr with,-Bill Ttgotes S'* 'One Cdrperrgl, ic two Unvotes, ttoo coovpeern t hae BVoanth,,. ' ■ ’ Subahem , SgcTUvates, k one Corporal, .. _ ....
3W? .■ ifTflhhee, SCuarpgtaeionn, ,o.r cohnfiandmg OtHeer____________ _ , :: 3 . TW6 irivatrs, tv covertnC Vthrder . I,n ,:j jf' ^434 B- TAW tOy tPgpriov awteitsh . a.B*ox of Bah Cartridges. jr£ jA.Bi ght,Privawteit®h,? aha£..dfhatl Cartridges 3 •On#, CorpongH | u 9^Twelve Privates „
i: 1 0 Serdtearte a iMTitr i4 rffi-_•—__;.i____,»____J__
If M ' A. Sghapern. Officer. . 4 * ____ a Two Privates '. | 5 -w> gTpwhr&ee P JrTirvgartoeess « ,w'i'ih iltedteaies -Betties .sixes ,-tSpddes, ior l v$§.. -TThwroe e-P Nreivgartoees s*_ w. zjji/1 Salt Beef, SaltPork "■
1 7M.: Three Piegnaes-with Black Bread,, or Busk BucfSh. '
si! I9V. ’TOwnoe NPreigvragtee s*, w-ith KM-devil, or New Mum, I ®7U> Negfo, with, the Captains Provisions.
] |k. #2. Onh Private i t IF 4JS43 %, One 0p*r>iv^ateteiW. i0LProvisions sfe- the two Subaltern ImHeers 'S hS Three Negroes to carry the Sidk, He Wounded .
1 1 € a$ae PrivaB§fro s 'I 17. One Sergeant. 18. One Corp<0M iw& Privates, to cover the Bear_
: Marks to "be cqLt on the Xrees op. a Marcia.
Phnageouds* lA-P'C do!h:^araii , Iphsk, ., ■ . b #
. Sodety'P '“ IDf* C#^u mn, Sub.TO . ■ InMAtto-, JKai.#E
; Main Bödb^. ; ' Rear ^jiayd orkCoifys de Re$örFev
3 f Ditto , VBH
\0 A Ditto S'z$ . p .
X, Gmskr S adpt