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20 K M R A T f V E O P ; # M ;
C H A B. difplaying two, rows o f very beautiful teeth; and a t tire
fa- of my peat,,
fhc made me a fignal to follow-.her. I was. much at si
. lofs ,hpw to a6l, but went in, and was ufhered b^r the
_girl into a very meat apartment, whither fffie-braughtr
fome excellent fruit, and.a bottie*pf Madeira wine, which
Ihe placed upon the table. , $he them in th e bed: manner
flie | was able, informed me that her maf$ray with the:
reft of; his family, was y gone \ to fpend a few days at hi *
plantation, and that ffie was left behind, let reeelve am
Englilh Captain^whom fhe fuppofed rto be me. 1 .figjri*-
fled that I was, and filled her out. a tumbler of wine,,
which 1 had the utmoft difficulty to perfuade heir to . aC-*
eept; for fuch is the degrading light in which theft uro^
happy beings are eoniidered, that it is accounted a high,
degree of prefumption in them to eat ©r drink in. the:
prefence of an European. I contrived for fome’time-to
carry on fomething like a converfation with this worn any,
hut was foon glad to put an end to it by recurring to | my?
Tired with the employments of the- day, 1 longed fo r
fome reft, and7 made a fignal to my attendant that 1'
wanted to fteep : but my motion was ftrangely iinfconr-
ftrued; for fhe immediately ftized me by ; the neck*
and imprinted on my lips a moft ardent kifs. Heartily?
provoked at this unexpected, and (from one of her colour)
unwelcome falutation, I difentangled myfelf from h e r
embraces, and angrily flung into the apartment .allotted
for my place of reft*.- Rut here I was again purfued by
my. black; tormentor, who, in-oppofition. to all | could fay,
infifteduppn puflingxÆ my ffioes and.ftockmgs, and in*
a. i^pment diftojcumbered me of that part of my apparel-,
I w,as extremely.chagtinqd. archer conduct,, though this.’
is. an office-commonly-performed by the (laves- in Surinam
to all. ranks ,and ,fexes withput exception. Nor
ought any ope-to conceive that, this apparently,,extraordinary
conduct Ecfulted-from, any peculiarity of difpofLtiom
in. the girl,;. her behaviour .was, only fuch.as would have
been, praâiftd,(by the*generality p f female negro-flavesy/
and what will be; founds, byj all who vifit th e Weft, India'
the whole dark fifter—
r Einding^in- the; morning, that' my friend the planter-'
was not returned,, I.took.leave of his manfion,,and very;
hofpitable fervant;. and after vifiting,the foldiers in their- j
new, aftadèsy. was,condu£led; by the cpiarter-m after to a
neat habitation, appropriated to my uft.. X. found' the
houft'entirelÿ ùnfurniffied, though not, deftitute o f inhabitants
for,, leavmgmy Captain’s com million j, which;
was of parchment; ; in the window,, the firft night, I hadi
themprtificatibn.to. find. in.the morniiigthat it : was de—
voured by the. ^ats., ,
Having taken;ppfte^bnpf my habitation, my next wifli;
was to furnifh; it properly ;. but all : cares of this nature
were rendered unneccflary by the gbnerolis hofpitality o f
the inhabitants ; the. ladies fupplied me with tablés, chairs,.