To evince the abfurdity of that, prejudice, which con-
fiders human creatures as brutes, merely becaufe they
differ from o.urfelves in colour, I muff beg leave to mention
a few of the principal ceremonies that attended the
ratification of this peace., ^ - | ' •
, The firft thing propofed by the colonifts was a parley,
which was agreed to by the rebels; when the laft not
only de-fired, but absolutely infifted, that the Dutch fhould
fend them yearly, amongft a great variety of other articles,,
a quantity of good fire-arms and ammunition, as
Specified in a long lift, expreffed in broken Englilli, by_a
^egrp whofe name,was Bofton, andt^ho<was;onemf £hf|ir
Governor Cromelyn next fenttym pommiffi^p,., Mr.
Sphey-and Mr. .Abercrombie whofm^phedr-tlirgugh the
fenfsto the rebels; previous to the. r at-ific#tif>n of ;th(e pgace,
foarwhich they now were commaffioned"hnallyjtatre^jti. g
At the arrival of the above gentl^ei^, in:> tb^rqbel
camp, at the.Jpoka Creek, abouttfifteen tn|le^eaft pjifthq
Tempaty Greek, they were introduced to a very hand-
fome negro, called Avabyy who was their chief, and;born
in the fprefts amongft the laft fixteen hundred that I have
juft mentioned. He Received' them very politely, and
taking them by the hand, defired they would fit down by
his fide upon the green ; at the fame tinae^afturing.them
they need not he under any apprehenfions of evil, ftnoe
from théir corning in fo godd a caufe, not one intended,
or even dared to hurt them. 1
' When-the „above-mentionéd Captain Bofton, however,
perceived, tfiâtthey-h’âdbrQugbt; a parcel of trinkets, fùch
as knives,. 'fcifiaTS, conâbsy and fmalLlooking-glafles, and
forgotten,.!the .principal -'articles - in, «queftion,- viz. gunpowder,.
'fire-arms,- and Ammunition, .he refolutely approached
the commiifioners, and demanded, in a thundering
voice, whether the Europeans imagined that the
faegrpes could five.on combs and looking-glaffeS^cadding,
that one of eachiwas quite fufficient to let them all fee their
faces, while:ii' fingle gallon of manfancy^ viz. gunpowder,
would havebeen accepted-aisaproof of theimeonfidénce ;
but fihceuhathad been omitted, he fhould--never confent
to.their, return to their countrymen,.dill every: .article?of
the lifLihonld bedifpatched .to them, and.confequently
the treaty fulfilled. <
• This. expQftulation.' Qcéaftbned the interference of a:
negro captain, -.called 'Quacpp^, who - declared ■thafithefe
gentlemen. wèr,e only *the-rbeftengers of .their .governor
arid court and cqpijd. not be-, anfwerable for their
mafterTs .proceedings, tfhpy fhould certainly'return to
the fettlement ' without injury or infult, and. no p erson,
riot pVe-n he, Captain Bofton, fhould dare to oppofe
. The; chief .of tl^e -rebels then ordered filenqe* and de-
#ired Mf. Abercr.onftbie to make up a lift himfelf, of fuch
articles as he, Arahy, fhould fpecify; which that gentle^