ch-A-P. how melted; down to tskelye m$ny dvdo were tp 'proteilt
_ V^r’ , holdings, land that with no more £h&k $wq jjefy
fmall ofcfefts of ammunition,7andi nd> netrSat for- the lick,
as ■ thehatges- weregormnPatamaeay and the ;laft canoe
Wpatched witbvm^'lettei-- f®{Gol©Etd «ftfrffTjjjfffitifeif 5“# 1
had fet adrifkthat belonging to a
book-keeper of a neighbouring plantation ^iri.'prder to
preient him orany .other.- jEbboi: m&dangdhfik, efcape. In
h;*'" this fituation, I was now pbligeA toi eohserfi'jhe flaves.
into foldiers r thefe I armedjwith khatoEtoet* not daring
to trail them with ar iMoek%{' this; whole: night we
i again watched ;trnder' arms, -and7 in the nibrmng found
two more of our little party dead -Bh ihib grOurfd.
I now began really to think we were all devoted to
dfedra&kn, while tb®*men, regaiSdlefe- ©f/all order ^fglf-
preferyatinn ekcepted) Ihrew- >out . , t h e ,« ^ '^ B t e r .^ ^
tives againft their perfefcufofy F-outgeond* whhjhbPefiidd
not prevent; non can I belp remarkingthegen&jalihip
of the rebel negro#s, who. had kept lyingLqukfc till the
removal; of the Society troops from Devil’s.Har-war* agd
l«ized the very Juft day of their departure, eonyine^d ,of
%s being guarded .only by-my Tick and emaciated fojdiers,
in; order to commit - their depredations, op Ahp (@pttic|i
eflates. They well knew. ,|hat my * forpe ugcas not fuffi-
eient to purfue them, nay, hardly to Rand in my
own defence: all this, however, was hut according to
my , expectation; while, on the. contrary, had . my
ftrength been fufficierlt, they could neve,r .have ef-
1 caped
ca'ped'r>'at lead from ’‘being cut off in their retreat, (> h ap<
tnpecSally -if the troops in RioPerka had adted con- ^ Y**1-
jblhtiy:with4'th0le In ’Gotdca, by patrohiiig; ihie' path
between 4fie two’ rivefs/^atrofs which the rebels were
twice“ unavoidably obliged' to pafsl* |
* On' the dll' of 'September** we< waited once more tiR
rnbrnih^,J and then ^buried another of my -poor men;
while Ifyet ’cahncft conceive- howdapy .one*was jahle, to -
purvive fuch aperies A f *toil, in Rich a debilitated Rate,
kiidln a tropidal climate; ^t'fbide^didj'thoughrfeWi At
leh'gth', freiifg peffuaded that “the1 rebels muft have, pail the
"Cordon,1 without Mvirig- though t-prdper to pay us a vilit
on their retreht, Tdetermined- to let the remaining* few
'watch no longer, but permit them to die anatural death. -
At Taft, ‘in‘ the eVehing, when all was too late, thcre-oame
'down b f Water from the poft La Rochelle* to our ailiffc—
aned? 'one officer ahd tdh men.—I having had'but nine
left to w the* duty at theAime of their arrival.; ■ ‘
‘ On the ad another mahdied ; and I-once more'ireMewed
m^ forces,’ which how amotihted exactly to feven marines,
ih e few fcarecrowsbf'the* So&fety ej&epted; hosrsyery the
hhante of being maflacred by theplebels was at this time
'i>Very thanks aldheTo their pufillahliiity, or rather their
hurry i.'\'
I now received a letter from Colonel Fourgeoud,. condoling
with me on the lofs of fo many' ■'gobd officers, acquainting
me that I was to« be reinforced; and* that on
my recommendation myfefjeant, Mr. Cubanns, was appointed