ml, 8£6. • .' In o rd e rtb ëfFetéitfhis puttpofe, î the iregio “David
« having climbed'*Up' à tree with threepok of ft'hc lope, let
■ Mi'«)'jWÉiî-.® ^ rS -'tirôa^fécküd fefâügti| andrthevothërrrie"
■ fnpteê^fjnd; frrilpe#»fed> irrrii fr,èÊa tSîe
•Trilfe. This â<M^ David, with a fharp knife betweenJgls'
rWpâfe^Sffl?^ t&Èt the tree, -asd^tïtfng ’fëft hpdn rriohfter,
whié-h Was ïtill t%ïMSgî^%ticl; Véga® hWîopÆfetiomrby
lipping-ii ûp, âh^ ftrippifflg'daWîil feë ^efoetid-
«%$F* 'fbS’âgh. I -pëŸëël'vtâ
' V^éfîjpgï|4wtîld ®otrf®Èthoiit
• émdtibWïÿë & mShlfeïliB'àfedj black aaâT bloody, cling- -
ïhg WiHÎ arms 8ft^4e^^otffid ’tMCteyited:.f yéùlàirrog
^d rifte r. Thisl8Pë\fr, îll^'evep, lY^®fï)t W«h<M£ltcrtriè,
firaceibehot briiÿtextëÉÈfofiy fiisîfli¥ff the operation, but
provided infe,- tfefideÿïhe^IMni ^ f tü : abê^^fone^l|0psl®f.
iïtfe-clarified t e , or -ràthëroily ‘thëti^ÿfftéle WMswsdiâd
perhaps 'trk much :trfcÿë,’| Thiâ î delivered to the furgeons
at Pfe¥iPs itew è r, fèr %Vfe Vfe; ôf tfeë wounded men in
tire hofpitalj forwhieh I-ÿeéëiVeduhèii beâ¥ty thbaksyiit
being coràiderëdj paitldulaM^'fdr l)fùïfës, ^ ^ ’ÿfésxeel-
lent rémedy. W henl fignified '
fnakë ïtill living, after h ë was depibred ofrhtsi iiateh
tines arid'flan, Oârïrûàbâ, fhë old negro, JwtL^hen fr o m
experience or tradition, -aflured trie he would riot die
till after fiin-fet. The negroes now out him in flices, in
order to drefs and feaftnpori him, they all declaring that
he !w*8$ * exéeedirigly good * and whol'éfôtne f but to their
i :gi©at