. N A R B A ' E i y E . OF A(N,i
11 aljve. chained; to . flakes, there, cad.: nothing. be more
(i cQtn®on in thi^ CQlajLy.’f-rJ was petrified at. the inhuman
detafi;, andbrcakingotway.with-'execrations from
this diabolicalfcene; of laceration, made the befb of my'
way home to my own lodgings, ass
On the 24th, havmg' received: a. fupply of provifions
from Holland, and. abfolutely doing ehb- fer-vice in the
colony,, it was. universally refolded that we ibmiM qftb-
ceed home; our regiment, notwithstanding*; hs ‘being
partly paid by the United Provinces* ftill being exceedingly
changeable to; thefociety and Che inl^bhantsj whh,
in conjunction, paid all other expcnces^ thus, in the
hopes of failing in - the middle of June,. the- tranfpdrts
were ordered a Second time to wood,: water, and make
nh othernecelTafy.prepafatidhsv ■ -
I muft: fay nothing of-what T -fblt bbthi^beehfibhf f
continued, however, not long in this ftate of fufp^n^fe;
for the following day intelligence* being brought that a*
plantation Was demolilhed,,and* thbbvfcrfedrs fetuM^eCf
by the rebels, our flay was prolonged a fecbhdrtime*, ht'
therequeft of the-governor hinllHf and inhabitant^; afid ,:
in* confiequgnce, the three tranfpo^te, ^whic^ had^diS'ce"
February the 9th* bedn kept waiting at a great expehde,
were finally put out 6f commiffioh, &hd*
flowed at the* head-quarters in a temporary ftore-houfb’
ereC^ed for that purpofd;
The minds of the people began now tb- be quitted,4
finding at laft that the troops were in earneft preparing
■ H i