€H4F. tell him, that I; vowed immediate deftru&ian to the
villain.: ap d ' having ordered a negro to cut twelve
bamb«© caueSjl'tI retired like a perfim IdefMivtd of'
determined -to pumfli ham according. to |§H$
fupgoied crime.
OnJthe i^E^thefO arrived two fubalterns, with a fe-^
cond barge full of men, ammunition, medlxtindf imd pro^
vifions, which having marched k$to krllartetfc rad-
I fent for the haplefs Fowler, whole face being in th fe e
places Wounded, I locked him u p in a r@Otti,if Witho
u t afldng one queftkm, broke ^ ’$6# -the' ha'tt4fe^T
over his head, till' he efeaped all b lc ^ ^ '‘bHf at t!he
window, and my refentment gradually | abated? He
certainly had ftiftered much, but nothingyfequal to what
were, my fenfations,"at being flalt'
that Colonel; Fourgequd had |ei2ed /-ai..-Biy
which, he had fealed and locked up* in. an empty -ftere«
room, in expe&ation o f myrdeeeafe, IvCbidM Seiefdirigtb'
ajl appearances, might be looked fo r; while thy hou®
was given to anotha:,. by which , means» I eouldi fiot;
procure fo much as a dean fhirt to m U ta <!&£•' from
my difgraceful: tatters : neverthelefsy by the hope of
going down myfelf, my fpirits were fupportecb The'
other news, of more importance* was, that the hfefo • ih :
perfon,.with moftof the troops, had atlaft left Paramaribo;
that he had Quartered them partly a t BeviFR
Harwatj in Rio Cottica, the eftate Beliaiz> in Rio Perica,
riba, and at the eftates Charenbeck, and Cravaflibo, in chap.
Rio Commewina; ! whence, cotfjunSly 'with the troops VIIL
of th@“Society and the Rangers, he intended to move in
queft of the rebels; that Ihe had alfo ordered all the barges
to be relieved at laft, and their remaining* troops to
reinforce rhe* above-naestioned poftsy Which I muft remark
was a very wife and well-planned. Regulation.
* From Patamaca we were informed*. that «he rebels,-on
&Mr ^epafS-ng the riveroabOve La Rochelle, had again
deftroyed a« fmall eftate, -and murdered its proprietor, a
Mr# Nyboor, »
: It-was either about this time, or Very flaortly after, that
an overfeer efcaped by theaffiflance of a negro boy, who,
dfe&ihg him to Mp-into a- canoe, and- lie* down flat upon
his belly* • leaped' hfmfeM into the water,- wherey by fwkft-
ming-With one hand* and guiding thef canoe -with the
other, he ferried Ms mafter-iafo aver.the creek pata-
macaj throhgh a* fhowerof rrrafquet buliets, the rebels
firihg'hfkHi them-all the While, but without execution;
howfeveVy f ^ this
GOtepeni^d the‘Week after WithtMeehtindfed-lafhes by
the fame mailer, only fo rd o in g foigotfon to open one
of th'efluices or flo o d -g a te s-6» this- akft \df inhumanity
Iflhall'make no comment, bu^prdeeed-te my owh*milbr-
atole fituation. Having reraotiftlated1^Witk Liebtkianf
Colonel WefteriOo' om the* flat« of my health, wMeM
difabledi me from Joining the carps on their march*
5 Ire?