CHAR the two;pirôtje6tQrâiwere:fo^eê.^ia|lQ|®^vlï3itQ-Vr ' '’f| |iP Wthe pif, |b lf
, ■ ; ^ lô&eiti by feveral ptisa^rsii.wlasQ- aU-ffepgfefi'tO' ponae- at the
water, Which being now changed to1 a perfectdmire, was
good for nothing. Haviilg; ftu q g i^ ih ik ap ^ ^
okl rebel t3amp,î:a, dmm,«;f kill-dqpjt, wa§[:di|ljFil^njted^to
each. withouLdiffiBiStion ; but,;as.rpever ufêd *his-fluid, I
«SE^ïdi^iffianB-rtotBaÿ faithful*i£g|0ifwiK>HO-'sA gi^eepie
the water i ^this'ibefiigrphferiifed'.hy old Fqufgeôvw-i, he or^
dêredi at toi t e faatched « u t « f the poor in an’$. h^nd,,- apd
returned into the eailhen jar ^ 'telling’uïe, “ I muff ekhefc
« drink it myfelf,>orhave none*.”! I wasr^cegdi ngfyiexri
afperated at this! mark of ingratitude, .andi findingimqatfts
to proeàrp th a t very! levening’/a whole bottle, I gave it to
the Have.
Near midnighfj^aeeidentally good ^afér^w^dii^ye^ed
—GoodOodi what joyful newsf-rdaow iVeet- tte ta fb ^
furpaflmg any wine; and fuch^sjl fliâlînêv^à grMefullyf
remember !—Now all drank, heartily, afidj.Fopygeoud- or a
dered a warm fupper to be boiled for himfolf, hut .pot fo,
much as afire to he lighted for,any.ofhefcrpeffon>-forbidding
even the cutting of a Hick ;;tibtosf;w6i^i»e fof^fdf
to eat our fait beef and pork raw, Ho wever,-hayjn'g dite,
my fmall allowance to a firing, I hung it quietly oyer the
fide of bis kettle, to have it dreffed ; but- his; blachr, cpok;
chancing to drop a log of wood upon another in his eager-
nefs to affift me, alarmed the'hero, when I'was obliged to
drop my luncheon into the kettle, and take ,to my heels.' ;
The old gentleman now infilling that Tome perfon had
i - - cut
E X P E D I T I O N TO SU R IN AM. 269
cut Hicks againft his orders, I quietly-Hepped up to his C
hammock in the dark, to undeceive him, and foftly af- w
Hired him that the whole, camp was faH afleep; when he,
on pretehcq-of not, fuddenly-gayb a loud
roar, and with both his'handV'daUght hold' of me by the
hair of the head, lefcaped, and'gèt fairly under cover,
while hè cal led,Fi re at him1! fire at him !” to the infinite
amufement of the whole camp, whofldy in their'
hammocks convulfed with laughter. Having found- out
Quaco, I ihfiantly fent him back to bring my luncheon; ,
and fucH ,4k his diligence, that he aótually brought me :
hack a piece of beef at leafi.ten times as'.large as'What
I had left, with which Thad Once more the fatisfaótion
to regale the, poor Haves: and thus ended this horrid
day. i
The 13th we once .more returned to the Wana Greek,’
fatigued beyond the power of,’ defcription with thefe
fruitlefs fufferings.
Here the old gentleman-regaled »his friends with my
rum in my prefence, and without offering me a fingle
drop. Here alfo I found a letter from the illand of Ceylon
in the EaH Indies, where my friend and relation,
Mr. Arnoldus De Ly, being governor of Poind-de-Gale
and Maturee, I was invited, to come and find my fortune
ready made, ;but which for the prefent my : evil Hars
prevented my accepting, as it would have .been dilho-
nourable to leave the fervice at this juncture.
x *